Advocate on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton entitled “Madame
Secretary”. Clinton has been successful in changing policy in the
State Department to remove inequalities for our LGBT community
serving in her federal agency. When the Gay & Lesbian Advocates
& Defenders (GLAD) named her as a defendant in their suit
addressing passport policy for legally married gay couples in
Massachusetts, changes were made. Bill Clinton announced that
he supports full marriage equality & having many committed gay
couples among their friends, Clinton says, “Well, I share his
experience because we obviously share a lot of the same friends,
but I have not changed my position.” As disappointing as this may
be I wonder if she were commander in chief whether she would be
appealing the federal court’s ruling that found DOMA Section 3
unconstitutional. The Obama administration is currently appealing
Judge Tauro decision. This is the part of the Defense of Marriage Act
that prevents the federal government from granting 1100 rights,
benefits & protections including the ability to file joint tax returns,
take advantage of estate tax breaks & receive spousal benefits
offered by Social Security, such as survivor compensation for legally
married gay couples. Read More: advocate.com

of The Creative Coalition, the leading national,
nonprofit, nonpartisan social & public advocacy org
of the arts & entertainment industry

1 comment:
There is this rising global tide of violence against the LGBT community around the world and we are taking the lead in confronting the dangers of the lives and the livelihood of LGBT people as they go about their daily lives. I just really have a strong negative reaction to prejudice, discrimination, hatred, violence–anything that tried to delegitimize or marginalize any of our fellow citizens. So it fits into my long-term and personally felt commitment to expanding the circle of human rights for everyone.
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