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Kelly Osbourne AIDS Activist

By Charlotte Robinson, October 01, 2013
Kelly Osbourne graces the new cover of HIV Plus Magazine. Kelly grew up in the spotlight being the middle child of legendary Black Sabbath rocker Ozzy & powerhouse Sharon Osbourne. She was accustomed to having fame in her life especially after the reality show The Osbournes. Now Kelly shines in the spotlight of her own accord serving as a panelist on Fashion Police & taking third place on Dancing With the Stars. But the cause closest to Osbourne’s heart is also one of her most recent endeavors. In May Osbourne officially became the celebrity ambassador for generationCURE, a new campaign aimed at grooming the final generation of AIDS activists. Osbourne stated, “I have family that suffer from HIV & best friends that suffer from HIV. It’s been a part of my life since I can remember.” Osbourne hopes to use her new position as the first generationCURE celebrity ambassador will educate the generation behind her about HIV & AIDS. “The generation after me kind of missed that & are less careful,” explains Osbourne. “They think, Oh, it will never happen to me. But guess what, asshole? It can. I’ve actually watched somebody who had to take antivirals & be there to wipe up their puke & pull their hair back & see the night sweats they go through & how much weight they lose or gain. So to anybody that stands up & says, ‘Yes, I have it,’ my heart belongs to them. Because they’re sending a clear message & they’re owning it. With the technology that we have today & the fact that they cured an adult & a young person of HIV, it gives me so much hope that there really is a real cure out there. And with enough money & enough support from the world, that [researchers will] be like, ‘OK! Shut the f--- up; let’s get your cure.” Read Full Kelly Osbourne Interview… 
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I appreciate her eagerness to help this fight, I am HIV positive and know the struggles with antivirals. Stopping the spread of HIV is important and the only way to do that is to get tested and know your status.

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