Boston Pride kicks off Pride Week 2014 with its 20th annual Flag Raising Ceremony on June 6th at noon at City Hall. Sponsored by Mayor Martin J. Walsh who will attend, the Flag Raising at City Hall is the first official event of Pride Week. This year’s Pride Week theme is “Be Yourself, Change the World” & encourages our LGBT community to embrace what makes each individual unique & to use those qualities to change the world for the better. The ceremony will also recognize the 45th anniversary of the Stonewall Inn uprising in NYC. One of the speakers will be Erica Kay Webster who participated in the Stonewall Inn uprising in New York City 1969. This evening June 6th at 6:30P Boston Pride in collaboration with the South Asian Arts Council will be holding a Pride Diplomatic Reception at the SAAC offices 2 Atlantic Ave, Boston, MA. Many Consuls & representatives from foreign delegations will gather to celebrate human rights around the world & the Pride movement. Amit Dixit Executive Director, South Asian Arts Council stated, "Over 5 consulates have confirmed, with a number of political & community leaders. This event is not to be missed.” The event is open to the public but ticket availability is extremely limited. Tickets are $50
For Tix: Pride Diplomatic Reception...
Listen to our audio interview with Sylvain Bruni President of Boston Pride talk about the fabulous events planned:
Listen: Boston Pride “Be Yourself, Change the World”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
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