Next week on Wednesday July 2nd at 4P the fight for marriage equality in Florida will have its day in court with a hearing before Judge Sarah Zabel in the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court in Miami. A rally takes place Saturday June 28th at noon at the Miami Beach LGBT Visitor Center at 1130 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, outdoors behind the building. The program will begin at 12:40P. Speakers will include Equality Florida, SAVE, ACLU of Florida, National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) & the LGBT Visitor Center all calling on the State of Florida to overturn the state’s ban on gay & lesbian marriage. Two plaintiff couples who are suing for the right to marry in Florida Juan del Hierro & Thomas Gantt & Karla Arguello & Cathy Pareto will also speak. With a whirlwind of favorable rulings throughout the country for marriage equality the rally will provide the community with an opportunity to hear about the status of some of the lawsuits presently in the Florida courts as well as how to get involved in the fight for equality. Nadine Smith Chief Executive Officer for Equality Florida Institute stated, “The majority of Floridians stand with us, as there is no reasonable argument for discrimination against our families. Throughout the nation, courts have ruled that these harmful laws are outdated & out of step, & we believe that equality & justice will prevail in Florida, as well.” More than 70 cases are currently pending in state & federal court in more than 30 states & U.S. territories & judges, appointed by Republicans & Democrats alike have issued 21 consecutive victories for marriage equality.
For More Info: eqfl.org
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