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Hormel Center LGBT Pride Events

The James C. Hormel Gay & Lesbian Center of San Francisco Public Library is presenting three fabulous free Pride programs in June 2015. The first takes place on Wednesday, June 3rd at 6:00P with “Artistic, Colorful & Unconventional: A Visual Tour of San Francisco's Queer Scene”. Focusing on the important role played by the venerable San Francisco Art Institute & chronicling its rich history of nearly 15 decades this presentation covers LGBTQ artists from interior decorator Edward Searles who donated the Mark Hopkins mansion at the top of Nob Hill to be used as an art school & gallery to the photography department's Minor White to performance artists Jerome Caja & Arturo Galster. This entertaining & informative visual talk by SFAI librarian & archivist Jeff Gunderson & former SFAI & SFPL library staffer Jim Van Buskirk explores many more unconventional San Francisco LGBT iconic characters including faculty such as Jerry Burchard & James Broughton, alumni like Bernice Bing, Catherine Opie, Win Ng, Annie Leibowitz, Jess & cultural fellow travelers including the Cockettes, David Dashielle & Martin Wong. It takes place in Koret Auditorium in the Main Library on the lower level. San Francisco Public Library is on 100 Larkin Street in San Francisco, California.
 For More Info…
LISTEN: 19 GLAAD Celebrity Activists Talk LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Judith Light Hosts Freedom Awards

 The Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF) will commemorate a decade of transgender advocacy at its Freedom Awards benefit at The Art Directors Club in NYC on Monday, June 1st. The event will honor the Golden Globe Award-winning television series “Transparent” & long-time TLDEF partners BNY Mellon & Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP for their extraordinary contributions to the advancement of transgender rights. Transparent star & longtime LGBT rights champion Judith Light will host the event & Transparent star Alexandra Billings will accept the award on Transparent's behalf. Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF) is committed to ending discrimination based upon gender identity & expression & to achieving equality for transgender people through public education, test-case litigation, direct legal services & public policy efforts. The Freedom Awards will take placed at The Art Directors Club Gallery in Manhattan at 106 West 29th Street from 6:30 - 8:30P. In this exclusive audio byte we talked to fierce LGBT allies actors Judith Light & Jeffrey Tambor earlier this month at the 2015 GLAAD Media Awards about their hit Amazon series “Transparent”. They both talked about the importance of using their celebrity to make change for LGBT & gender equality stating, “What is most important is that lives are being saved.”
LISTEN: 19 GLAAD Celebrity Activists Talk LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Provincetown Film Fest Honorees

The Provincetown International Film Festival (PIFF) that takes place June 17th through 21st will honor Writer/director Bobcat Goldthwait (CALL ME LUCKY) with the 2015 "Filmmaker on the Edge" Award & Actress Jennifer Coolidge (BEST IN SHOW) will receive the Faith Hubley Career Achievement Award. Andrew Peterson, PIFF's Director of Programming stated, "This year's honorees underscore the importance of comedy to independent film - not only surprising & delighting us, but boldly & subversively pushing boundaries. Both Bobcat & Jennifer are masters of their craft." Notable guests at this year's festival will include: John Waters, Ruby Rich, Alison Bagnall (director, FUNNY BUNNY); Bao Nguyen (director, LIVE FROM NEW YORK!); Barry Crimmins (subject, CALL ME LUCKY); Brendan Toller (director, DANNY SAYS); Christine Vachon (producer, NASTY BABY);David Thorpe (director, DO I SOUND GAY?); Gabrielle Demeestere (director, YOSEMITE); Hernando Bansuelo (director, THE DADDY); James Ponsoldt (director, THE END OF THE TOUR); Jeff Kaufman (director, THE STATE OF MARRIAGE); Jeffrey Schwarz (director, TAB HUNTER CONFIDENTIAL); Joe Murphy (editor, YOSEMITE); Joey Kuhn (director, THOSE PEOPLE); Josh Watson (producer, THE DADDY); Larry Kramer (LGBT activist & subject, LARRY KRAMER IN LOVE AND ANGER); Laura Heberton (producer, FUNNY BUNNY); Laurie Kahn-Leavitt (director, LOVE BETWEEN THE COVERS); Malcolm Ingram (director, OUT TO WIN); Marcia Ross (producer, THE STATE OF MARRIAGE); Michelle Boyaner (director, PACKED IN A TRUNK: THE LOST ART OF EDITH LAKE WILKINSON); Ron Davis (director HARRY & SNOWMAN); Shari Springer Berman & Robert Pulcini (directors, TEN THOUSAND SAINTS). This will also be the eighth year we’re covering PIFF for OUTTAKE VOICES.
For Info & Tix: ptownfilmfest.org
Listen: 2014 PIFF Filmmakers & Celebrities Speak OUT
LISTEN: Desmond Child Talks LGBT Love & Acceptance Concert
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

LGBT “Break the Cage” Rally

On Wednesday, May 27th at 12P EST the largest gathering of undocumented Queer & Trans people will rally in front of the Immigration & Customs Enforcement headquarters in Washington, D.C. Carlos Padilla, the Queer Undocumented Immigrant Project’s Coordinator stated, “With more than 80 countries around the world criminalizing gay & lesbian sexual acts & many more countries who offer no institutionalized government protections based on sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression, many like myself, have made & continue to make the difficult survival decision to leave our home countries & come to the United States. Detention & deportation is bad for everyone, specially for our LGBTQ communities. Yet, the Department of Homeland Security & those departments whom they oversee which includes Immigration And Customs Enforcement (ICE) & U.S. Customs And Border Protection have failed to adequately protect our vulnerable communities & have further placed trauma & violence under their administration. Which is why on May 27, we break the cage.” Operation “Break the Cage” will address 3 stories of current cases of trans woman in immigration detention & center the action with stories of trans women who have experience immigration detention. Speakers will include: Marichuy Leal Gamino - Ex Detainee of Eloy Detention Center, Catalina Velasquez - QUIP Advisory Council, Lourdes Ashley Hunter - National Director of Trans Women of Color Collective & Ruby Corado - Executive Director of Casa Ruby. The rally will take place at U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement - 500 12th St. SW, Washington, D.C. on Wednesday May 27th 12P EST.
For More Info: unitedwedream.org 
LISTEN: Desmond Child Talks LGBT Love & Acceptance Concert

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

LGBT Military Memorial Day

A few Memorial Day thoughts from Matt Thorn, Interim Executive Director of the LGBT military organization OutServe-SLDN, “Today many will attend parades, BBQs & enjoy the day off but Memorial Day is more than a federal holiday. It is a day for us to pay the deepest respects for those who have given the ultimate sacrifice to this country. From the American Revolution to Iraq & Afghanistan wars the United States Armed Services have defended, protected & served our country with pride, diligence and strength. On behalf of OutServe-SLDN, we thank those who have fallen for their sacrifice, we grieve with their families & we memorialize their service & lives. In addition to honoring those who have fallen I would like us to take a moment to honor all of our armed service-members who were discharged under DADT. You also served & protected our country & paid a sacrifice for being who you are and loving who you love. This day is about remembering who we have lost and in a way we lost you. Because of DADT, we lost your service to this country, we lost the dedication you brought to the uniform, we lost your depth of knowledge because of a law and policy that never should have been. The noise, anger & push you all made under DADT led to its repeal and has laid the path for those to openly serve today. There are no words or amount of time that will give solace for all that you have given up & lost but we deeply and unequivocally thank you for all that you have done for this country. I hope that you all take today to keep our armed service-members in your thoughts as you enjoy the parades, BBQs & the day off.”
For Mor Info: outserve-sldn.org
LISTEN: Liz Page Talks Boston AIDS Walk 30th Anniversary June 7th
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Gay Marriage Sweeps Ireland

Both sides in Ireland's marriage equality debate have acknowledged that the "yes" vote has succeeded making the country the first in the world to approve gay marriage in a national referendum. Leo Varadkar, Ireland's openly gay health minister stated, "We're the first country in the world to enshrine marriage equality in our constitution & do so by popular mandate. That makes us a beacon, a light to the rest of the world of liberty & equality. It's a very proud day to be Irish. It’s a really great day for Ireland... Ireland is shining. If you think about it really is historic... it’s something really special." Hopefully this will be a big wake-up call for the US Supreme Court to finally stop the nonsense & grant marriage equality throughout the land. In Ireland the first gay & lesbian marriages could take place as soon as 6 weeks. Sarah Kate Ellis GLAAD President & CEO stated, "This is a joyous day for Ireland & for LGBT people and our allies everywhere. With this historic vote, Ireland becomes a leader in the global effort for LGBT equality. We are thankful for the leadership of the Irish people, and we hope that many countries, including the United States, follow suit by extending marriage to all their citizens." This victory goes deep since Ireland has been know as such a religious Catholic country but that has waned quite a bit since sex scandals hit the Catholic Church. What was so impressive about this victory was how among those who voted were thousands of emigrants who returned by aircraft or ferry to take part in the world's first direct national vote on gay marriage. Many even shared their journeys on social under the #HomeToVote hashtag. So with the US Supreme Court decision coming down next month this is a fabulous victory for marriage equality. Congrats Ireland!! :)
LISTEN: 19 GLAAD Celebrity Activists Talk LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Memorial Day Weekend Ptown

Memorial Day Weekend kicks off Summer 2015 for our LGBT community. This is the weekend that thousands of lesbian women from all over the globe migrate to Provincetown, Massachusetts for MemDay sponsored by Beth McGurr & LesbianNightLife. This year there will be a special treat with comedian actress Rosie O'Donnell performing for one show only on Sunday, May 24th at 9P featuring opening guest indie rocker Melissa Ferrick at Town Hall. There will also be plenty of other shows, shopping, cruising, dancing, boating, beaching, biking, barbecues & parties. The MemDay party begins with CRAVE Friday at the Paramount featuring paintable go-go girls, hot dancers, drink specials & a packed dance floor. Wear white if you want to get painted otherwise wear black. The party features DJ LaNena. On Saturday set sail aboard Provincetown's Annual Freedom Women's Boat Cruise with breathtaking views of the beautiful Cape Cod coastline while sipping delicious beverages. Enjoy an afternoon with djs, dancing & special celebrity guests featuring msladyj. On Sunday bust out the bikinis & board shorts for the 4th Annual Rehab Women's Pool Party at the Crown. Relax, revive, refresh & party as hard as you possibly can with special guest DJ JamilaAfrika. Sunday night the signature weekend closing party this year goes Above & Beyond! Mardi Gras/Carnival meets the future, but the future is now with DJ Dena.
For Info & Tix…
LISTEN: The Dinah Red Carpet Celebrities Celebrate 25 Years
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Designing Women 2015 Awards

New York Women In Film & Television (NYWIFT) presents their annual Designing Women Honoring Costume, Makeup & Hair Designers on Thursday May 28th at Scholastic 557 Broadway in NYC from 7P to 9:30P. Designing Women includes the presentation of an award to a costume designer, a makeup artist & a hair stylist as well as the presentation of the Variety Ensemble Award to the entire costume, hair & makeup design team from a television series or a movie. This year they're honoring costume designer Ann Roth (MAMA MIA!, THE ENGLISH PATIENT, WORKING GIRL), hair stylist Francesca Paris (BOARDWALK EMPIRE, ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND, TWO WEEKS NOTICE) & makeup artist Beverly Jo Pryor (EMPIRE, SELMA, LEE DANIEL'S THE BUTLER). The Variety Ensemble Award will be presented to the costume, makeup & hair design team of ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK. The event features presentations by Gretchen Mol (BOARDWALK EMPIRE), Kate Mulgrew, Uzo Adubaand & more. Lea DeLaria (ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK) will emcee. Terry Lawler NYWIF President stated, “Join us for the 2015 Designing Women Awards, celebrating the creative alchemy of design, character and story! We have a great lineup this year! It's not to be missed!” The award presentations are accompanied by video interviews of the honorees & clips illustrating their work. A reception follows the awards ceremony with costumes, sketches, posters & stills illustrating the work of the honorees on display.
For Info &n Tix…
LISTEN: Liz Page Talks Boston AIDS Walk 30th Anniversary June 7th
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Night Of A Thousand Judys Event

The fifth annual “Night Of A Thousand Judys” takes place on on Monday June 1st at the Merkin Concert Hall at the Kaufman Center in NYC. This Pride concert will benefit The Ali Forney Center the nation’s largest & most comprehensive organization dedicated to homeless LGBT youth. “Night Of A Thousand Judys” will honor the iconic Judy Garland with special skits, tributes & songs from her legendary career as movie star, recording artist & stage performer. The show is written & hosted by Justin Sayre & directed by Peter James Cook. Justin Sayre stated, “Just like Judy we always come back. Every year, the love we have for this show & the tremendous work of The Ali Forney Center only gets deeper & deeper. It’s the privilege of my whole year to work with our Judy’s Family which every year gets bigger and bigger. For 2015, expect a lot of great music brought to you by some of the most exciting performers in New York & the world, all paying homage to the great lady herself, but also giving their time & talents to the brave young people at AFC. There’s No Place Like Home & we want that to be true for everyone. We work with the AFC to make that a reality.” Headlining the event include; Melissa Errico, Liz Callaway, Michael McElroy, Lauren Worsham, Rachel York, Randy Graff, Kim David Smith, Danielle Grabianowski, The Skivvies, Cyrille Aimee, Adam Kantor, Julie Hill, Josh Sharp and Aaron Jackson.
For Info & Tix: kaufmanmusiccenter.org
LISTEN: Liz Page Talks Boston AIDS Walk 30th Anniversary June 7th
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Experiments & Disorders In NYC

Experiments & Disorders is Dixon Place's long running literary series curated by Christen Clifford & Tom Cole in NYC. On Tuesday May 19th it will feature Jay Critchley & Jennifer Tamayo at Dixon Place on 161A Chrystie Street at 7:30P. Come out for an evening of bite-sized servings of some of their best talents for a one-hour amazing reading. Jay Critchley is a multi-media visual & performance artist based in Provincetown, Massachusetts whose work & activism have traversed the globe, showing in Argentina, Japan, England, Holland, Germany, Columbia, France & Spain. He was recently featured on LOGO TV & BBC/UK. As an AIDS activist Jay founded the Provincetown Harbor Swim for Life & Paddler Flotilla in 1987 that has raised over a million dollars to fight HIV/AIDS. Critchley first solo museum show, "Jay Critchley, Incorporated" will be held at Provincetown Art Association & Museum May 1st to June 21st. Jennifer Tamayo born in Colombian is a transnational artist & activist based in New York City. JT is the author of the collection of poems & artwork, Red Missed Aches Read Missed Aches Red Mistakes Read Mistakes (Switchback, 2011 Selected by Cathy Park Hong) & the limited edition chapbook POEMS ARE THE ONLY REAL BODIES. Her second full collection, YOU DA ONE, was published in the fall of 2014. Since 2010 JT has served as the Managing Editor for Futurepoem an independent NYC press publishing contemporary poetry & prose. The event is free.
For More Info: dixonplace.org
LISTEN: 19 GLAAD Celebrity Activists Talk LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Gay Marriage Celebrates 11 Years

Today May 17, 2015 we celebrate a momentous event in Massachusetts’ long & proud history. Eleven years ago gay & lesbian couples were allowed to marry for the first time in Massachusetts & in the United States. I shot this historic film in 2004 covering the protests both pro & con on the steps of the State House to Cambridge City Hall at the stroke of midnight documenting the first couples in the country to receive a marriage licenses. Then we shot the first gay & lesbian couples marrying at Boston City Hall. It was a joyous occasion & history in the making. Now that marriage equality is in the hands of the US Supreme Court once again we should reflect over the past eleven years at the remarkable progress our LGBT community has made towards equality. Gay & lesbian couples can legally marry in 37 states & many LGBT families are raising their kids with amazing federal & state rights & protections. Arline Isaacson, Co-Chair of Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus & one of the architects of gay marriage narrated this fast-moving short. In reflection Isaacson stated, “People needed to see that nothing bad happened when we got married & furthermore that many good things in fact happened.” WATCH VIDEO 

LISTEN: 19 GLAAD Celebrity Activists Talk LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Boston LGBT Networking Event

Boston Spirit magazine is having its eighth annual LGBT Executive Networking Night on Thursday May 21st at the Marriott Boston Copley Place Ballroom from 6-9:00P. This event bring over 1,500 local LGBT corporate professionals & over 50 exhibitors will be participating making it the largest LGBT business event in New England. This year highlights of the evening include a very special Keynote presentation from Super Bowl Champion & New England Patriot Julian Edelman. Julian will be joined by his branding & image marketing team at SuperDigital. Together they will discuss Julian’s branding success story & share insights that we can all use to increase our brand and improve our marketing strategies. There will also be several side sessions on topics including: LGBT Employee Resource Groups: Best Practices for Starting & Operating a Group at your Company moderated by John Basile, Vice President, Diversity & Inclusion at Fidelity Investments. Also GLAD’s Janson Wu will moderate a discussion entitled “Beyond Equality? The Future of the LGBT Movement.” Also being addressed is “Let’s Get Social! Leveraging Social Media & Collaboration in the Workplace.” As you know many companies are beginning to leveraging social media & collaboration tools to improve communication & share ideas. Several of these methods will be presented. There is a $10 admission fee to attend the event.
For Info & Tix: bostonspiritmagazine.com
LISTEN: 19 GLAAD Celebrity Activists Talk LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

LGBT Immigrants Face Bias In USA

A new analysis conducted by the Center for American Progress has found that LGBT immigrants are consistently detained by Immigration & Customs Enforcement, (ICE) even when ICE’s own system recommends release. Sharita Gruberg, CAP Senior Policy Analyst who authored the report stated, “Despite commendable improvements to the immigration detention system in recent years, the data we collected from ICE’s own records show that its detention decisions when considering LGBT immigrants are rife with discrimination. Studies have shown that non-heterosexual persons in prisons or jails are up to 10 times more likely to face sexual assault than heterosexual detainees & nearly 40 percent of transgender detainees were sexually assaulted. In two out of the three cases in 2014 with an explicit release recommendation, ICE officials overruled ICE’s own automated Risk Classification Assessment system & instead chose to keep LGBT persons detained, often without bond & at greater personal risk than members of other communities.” According to the report a study by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Office of the Inspector General found that ICE officials overrode explicit RCA recommendations only 7.6 percent of the time for the general population but the rate for LGBT immigrants was nearly 20 percent. In only 16 percent of overall cases, the RCA tool gave discretion to ICE officials on whether to detain. That number is contrasted with the 64 percent in LGBT cases.
Read Full Report…
LISTEN: 19 GLAAD Celebrity Activists Talk LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Capitol Hill LGBT Advocacy Day

This is a fabulous opportunity to make a difference for our LGBT community. The first-ever “LGBT Advocacy Day” on the Hill event will be held on May 18th & 19th in Washington DC sponsored by the American Bar Association Commission on Sexual Orientation (SOGI) with support from the National LGBT Association. Over the two days attendees & ABA members will have the opportunity to attend a White House briefing & meet members of Congress, build relationships with new members of Congress & educate members & their staffs on issues supported by the ABA that are extremely important to our LGBT community. As with so many issues the ABA tackles the voice of lawyers & makes a difference when the concerns of all LGBT people are presented effectively to our decision makers. Among the legislative initiatives the group will be advocating for during visits to Capitol Hill offices on May 19th are the Jury ACCESS/Non-Discrimination Act & the International Human Rights Defense Act. The schedule for Monday, May 18th is the LGBT Advocacy Day Welcome Reception at Baker & McKenzie, 815 Connecticut Ave., NW Washington, D.C. at 5:30P & on Tuesday May 19th there’s an LGBT Advocacy Day Breakfast Opening Session at the ABA Washington Office on 1050 Connecticut Ave., NW Suite 400 Washington, D.C. from 8A to 9:15A with a closing reception at Arnold & Porter at 555 12th Street, NW From 5:30P to 7P. The event is free but you must preregister if you want to participate in the actual hill visits. RSVP is required for the receptions as well.
To RSVP: americanbar.org
LISTEN: 19 GLAAD Celebrity Activists Talk LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Massachusetts LGBT Youth Pride

This year Massachusetts Youth Pride celebrates 21 years of the queer youth movement in Massachusetts with the oldest youth-led, adult-supported LGBTQ Youth Pride celebration in the country on Saturday May 16th. This year's theme is SUPER QUEER. The event features awesome vendors, performers, marching, movement & of course LGBTQ youth leaders from across Massachusetts gathering for this once-a-year opportunity. Rain or shine, Massachusetts Youth Pride brings out all the rainbows! Massachusetts Youth Pride is then followed in the evening with the BAGLY Prom which is 35 years strong. The BAGLY Prom is the world's oldest & largest LGBTQ youth prom. First held in 1981 the BAGLY Prom sets the national standard for the way that LGBTQ youth come together, support one another & have a great time. Since the late 1990's it has attracted over 1,000 youth annually. The Prom is held at Boston City Hall Saturday May 16th from 7P to 11P following Massachusetts Youth Pride. Boston City Hall Plaza just outside Government Center Station. Keep in mind that the station will still be closed at this time, the two nearest stations open will be State Street Station (blue/orange lines) & Park Street Station (red/green lines). As a reminder, BAGLY events are free of: sex, weapons, drugs, alcohol, violence, pressure & harassment. The admission for BAGLY Prom is $15 & you can purchase tickets online now & skip the line.
For Info & Tix: bagly.org
LISTEN: 19 GLAAD Celebrity Activists Talk LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Boston Sip The Rainbow Event

The Boston Center for Adult Education will host its 4th annual LGBT community & allies celebration with their “Sip the Rainbow” event to premier the Provincetown to Boston photo exhibition on May 15th from 6P to 8P. The BCAE exhibit will be on display throughout May & June 2015 with a special series of programs commemorating Provincetown’s historical significance & influence on the LGBTQ community. The “Sip the Rainbow” cocktail reception will mark the opening of the new photo exhibition “P-Town to Boston: A Photo Exhibit” by local artists, which will be on display from May 15th to September 30th with more than 50 images from members of the Provincetown Photography Facebook group. This exhibit features a wide array of work from locals, fans & professionals alike that capture the historical significance, geographic beauty & vibrant community of Provincetown in one all-inclusive presentation. The “Sip the Rainbow” event on Friday May 15th will include unique cocktails created by local mixologists using the colors of the Gay Pride Flag as their inspiration as well as samples of tasty treats cooked up by some of Provincetown’s favorite chefs. The exhibition & event are made possible by generous contributions from Hunt’s Photo & Video, Deep Eddy Vodka, Polar Beverages & Sage Inn & Lounge. Tickets are a $15 donation in advance & $20 on the day of which includes an unique cocktail. The Boston Center for Adult Education is located at 122 Arlington Street in Boston. See You There!! :)
For Event Tix & Programs Info…
LISTEN: Rabbi Jack Moline Talks “Everyone Only” Project
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


WHAT WAS LOST set in the 1940’s chronicles beloved stage actress Laurette Taylor's legendary performance as Amanda Wingfield during the first rehearsals of Tennessee Williams “The Glass Menagerie” & is performed brilliantly by Pennylynn White at the Clarion Theatre throughout May. The story is about how Laurette Taylor returned to the stage after a six-year hiatus & for the first time in over a decade she is sober. WHAT WAS LOST is a piercing look at the lies we tell ourselves in order to survive. WHAT WAS LOST is part of the month-long festival of 5 plays by Steven Carl McCasland running in repertory from now through May 31st at The Clarion Theatre. The cast includes Pennylynn White as Laurette Taylor, Paul Thomas Ryan gives a fabulous performance as Tennessee Williams delivering a believable LGBT spin & a stellar cast consisting of Colin Fisher as Eddie Dowling, Kristen Gehling as Margo Jones, Kimberly Faye Greenberg as Marguerite, Rachel Adams as Julie Haydon/Ruby & Brian Piehl as Randolph Echols. Steven Carl McCasland directs. WHAT WAS LOST run through May on Sunday May 10th at 2P, Wednesday May 13th at 7P, Thursday May 14th at 7P, Wednesday May 20th at 2P Saturday May 23rd at 5P, Thursday May 28th at 7P, Saturday, May 30th at 5P & Sunday May 31st at 7P. The Clarion Theatre is located at 309 E 26th St in NYC.
For Info & Tix…
LISTEN: Rabbi Jack Moline Talks “Everyone Only” Project
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

NYC 26th GLAAD Media Awards

We’re headed to NYC to cover the Red Carpet for the 26th GLAAD Media Awards on Saturday evening. As you know the GLAAD Media Awards recognize & honor media for their fair, accurate & inclusive representations of our LGBT community & the issues that affect our lives. They also fund GLAAD's work to amplify stories from the LGBT community that build support for equality. This fabulous event takes place on May 9th at the historic Waldorf Astoria in NYC. MSNBC television journalist Thomas Roberts will receive the Vito Russo Award from actress Lynda Carter. Anderson Cooper will present talk show host & actress Kelly Ripa with the Excellence in Media Award. We never know who will walk the red carpet with confirmed guests including Jeffrey Tambor, Judith Light, Trace Lysette (Transparent); Rupert Friend (Homeland); Jonathan Groff (Looking); Laverne Cox, Dascha Polanco (Orange Is the New Black); Janet Mock (So Popular!); Tituss Burgess (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt); Karla Mosley, Scott Turner Schofield, Crystal Chappell (The Bold and the Beautiful); out NBA player Jason Collins; out football player Michael Sam; out trans model Andreja Pejić; Monifah Carter (R&B Divas: Atlanta); out country singer Ty Herndon; Antigone Rising's Kristen Henderson; GLAAD National Spokesperson Omar Sharif, Jr. & GLAAD President & CEO Sarah Kate Ellis to name a few. I can’t wait to chat with all the celebrities to get their spin on our LGBT issues especially Laverne Cox who’s had quite a year. There are still a few tickets left so what are you waiting for? :)
For Info & Tix: glad.org
LISTEN: GLAAD 2014 Red Carpet Celebrities Talk LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Sir Elton John Goes To Washington

British pop icon & fierce AIDS activist Sir Elton John testified before the Senate Appropriations Committee & discussed his AIDS foundation’s efforts while advocating that Congress continues funding towards combating AIDS until the disease is completely wiped out. Elton stated, “Today, I had the great honor of meeting with President Obama along with my husband & the Chairman of the Elton John AIDS Foundation, David Furnish. And I had the honor of testifying before the Senate Appropriations Committee to urge Congress to continue critical funding for PEPFAR, the President's Plan for Emergency AIDS Relief.” John testified stating, ““The AIDS epidemic is not over & America’s continued leadership is critical. There is a window of opportunity before us, a window through which we can very clearly see the end of AIDS within my lifetime. We cannot afford to let the window close if our efforts flag. Drug resistance will surface, transmission rates will rise & this disease which knows no boundaries will once again become a ruthless pandemic with disastrous & far-reaching consequences. This is the most powerful legislative body in the world & this Congress indeed has the power to end Aids.” Last April we talked to Scott Campbell, Executive Director of the Elton John AIDS Foundation in this exclusive audio interview:
For More Info: ejaf.org 
LISTEN: Rabbi Jack Moline Talks “Everyone Only” Project
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


LITTLE WARS is a fabulous new play exploring the twenty year relationship between one of history's most famous lesbian couples Gertrude Stein & Alice B. Toklas, is being presented at the New York City's Clarion Theatre starting Thursday May 7th through May 30th. Set in France in 1940 the tensions are high, the booze is flowing & war is coming. Playwright Steven Carl McCasland was inspired by one of the literary world's most famous scandals. The play highlights the twenty years Alice B. Toklas & Gertrude Stein shared together & Stein's great disgust with the portrayal of women & suggestions of lesbianism in Hellman's The Children Hour. LITTLE WARS features Lillian Hellman, Dorothy Parker, Gertrude Stein, Agatha Christie, Alice B. Toklas & Muriel Gardiner having the best what-if dinner party imaginable. Together they'll drink, scoff & face their demons. Everyone has a confession. Someone has a secret. The cast features Polly McKie as Gertrude Stein, Pennylynn White as Alice B. Toklas, Kristen Gehling as Muriel Gardner, Kimberly Faye Greenberg as Lillian Hellman, Kim Rogers as Agatha Christie, Dorothy Weems as Dorothy Parker & Samantha Hoefer as Bernadette. LITTLE WARS is directed Cara Picone, Lighting design by Molly Tied, Costume design by Somie Pak & Hailli Ridsdale production stage manager. The Clarion Theatre is located at 309 E 26th Street in NYC.
For Info & Tix…
LISTEN: Rabbi Jack Moline Talks “Everyone Only” Project
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

See Jane Lynch Sing Live

Emmy & Golden Globe Award winner Jane Lynch will be appearing at the Palace of Fine Arts for her San Francisco solo concert debut of “Jane Lynch: See Jane Sing” on Saturday May 9th at 7:30P. Fresh from her iconic portrayal of Sue Sylvester on “Glee” & her Broadway debut as Miss Hannigan in Annie, Jane will bring her comic skills & musical prowess to the theatre stage. The show will be cabaret in style featuring her singing abilities & comedic flare that were on display in "Glee," without the villainy of her character. Audiences should prepare for a sidesplitting evening of musical comedy with more than a dash of wit as Jane explores her love of the beauty & absurdity of the American standard & show tunes. Openly gay Lynch has never steered away from who she is stating, “I know it sounds new age-y, but what I've truly come up with is that you really need to trust that you're on your own path, as long as you stay true to it & you show up, which is 99% of it.” This performance is recommended for adults since some references may not be suitable or understood by children & no children under 5 are allowed. The Palace of Fine Arts Theatre is located at 3301 Lyon Street in San Francisco.
For Info & Tix...
LISTEN: Rabbi Jack Moline Talks “Everyone Only” Project
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Seattle Transgender Film Festival

Translations: the Seattle Transgender Film Festival is celebrating their 10th anniversary presenting over 40 films from May 7th to May 10th in Seattle, Washington. Some of the highlights include opening night with the West Coast premiere of GAME FACE, with Fallon Fox in person. This inspiring film tells the parallel stories of Fox, MMA’s first transgender pro fighter & Terrence Clemens, a gay college basketball player, as they navigate the obstacles of self-realization & acceptance by their sport & society. There will also be the Northwest premiere of TRANSJOURNEY directed by Alexia Kosmider & Blue Wade. TRANSJOURNEY explores three women’s personal journeys & the ways their lives have become intertwined & made stronger because of one another. In 2009 Annabelle transitioned to her new life as a woman in Seattle, Washington & her mother Sandra who lives in Rhode Island sets out on the cross-country trip to spend time with her new daughter. Annabelle meets Shannon an older transgender woman through the meetings they both attended at the Ingersoll Gender Center in Seattle. By offering to talk to Sandra about any questions she may have Shannon and Sandra have become close friends but have yet to meet one another in person. TRANSJOURNEY is a quest of discovery of family, acceptance & identity. There will also be live performances & special events throughout the film festival.
For Info & Tix…
Listen: Director Alexia Kosmider Talks New Doc TransJourney
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

MEUSA San Francisco Event

With gay & lesbian marriage now in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court Marriage Equality USA (MEUSA) is having their annual San Francisco Garden Party + Awards event on Sunday May 3rd at Chambers Eat + Drink, 601 Eddy Street in San Francisco from 1P to 4P PST. This is an opportunity to meet, greet & mingle with our LGBT community & allies while supporting a fabulous organization. The event will celebrate the work of hundreds of grassroots volunteers in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area, while honoring the contributions of State Senator Mark Leno, the San Francisco Giants & the Bay Area Lawyers for Individual Freedom (BALIF). The San Francisco Garden Party + Awards brings together community, corporate & political leaders, celebrities & grassroots volunteers to celebrate & raise funds to move the issue of marriage equality forward. The event is a celebratory afternoon of cocktails, light food, entertainment & a silent auction. Brian Silva MEUSA Executive Director stated, "Marriage Equality USA has a long & proud history that documents our growth from an idea in 1996 to the vigorous, national grassroots movement it is today. At this moment of historic change, I look forward to bringing our community together to celebrate & to honor the leaders & stories that are making marriage equality a reality."
For Info & Tix: marriageequality.org
LISTEN: Serafina Palandech Talks Hip Chick Farms & Equality

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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