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Gay Marriage Celebrates 11 Years

By Charlotte Robinson, May 17, 2015
Today May 17, 2015 we celebrate a momentous event in Massachusetts’ long & proud history. Eleven years ago gay & lesbian couples were allowed to marry for the first time in Massachusetts & in the United States. I shot this historic film in 2004 covering the protests both pro & con on the steps of the State House to Cambridge City Hall at the stroke of midnight documenting the first couples in the country to receive a marriage licenses. Then we shot the first gay & lesbian couples marrying at Boston City Hall. It was a joyous occasion & history in the making. Now that marriage equality is in the hands of the US Supreme Court once again we should reflect over the past eleven years at the remarkable progress our LGBT community has made towards equality. Gay & lesbian couples can legally marry in 37 states & many LGBT families are raising their kids with amazing federal & state rights & protections. Arline Isaacson, Co-Chair of Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus & one of the architects of gay marriage narrated this fast-moving short. In reflection Isaacson stated, “People needed to see that nothing bad happened when we got married & furthermore that many good things in fact happened.” WATCH VIDEO 

LISTEN: 19 GLAAD Celebrity Activists Talk LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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