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MEUSA San Francisco Event

By Charlotte Robinson, May 02, 2015
With gay & lesbian marriage now in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court Marriage Equality USA (MEUSA) is having their annual San Francisco Garden Party + Awards event on Sunday May 3rd at Chambers Eat + Drink, 601 Eddy Street in San Francisco from 1P to 4P PST. This is an opportunity to meet, greet & mingle with our LGBT community & allies while supporting a fabulous organization. The event will celebrate the work of hundreds of grassroots volunteers in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area, while honoring the contributions of State Senator Mark Leno, the San Francisco Giants & the Bay Area Lawyers for Individual Freedom (BALIF). The San Francisco Garden Party + Awards brings together community, corporate & political leaders, celebrities & grassroots volunteers to celebrate & raise funds to move the issue of marriage equality forward. The event is a celebratory afternoon of cocktails, light food, entertainment & a silent auction. Brian Silva MEUSA Executive Director stated, "Marriage Equality USA has a long & proud history that documents our growth from an idea in 1996 to the vigorous, national grassroots movement it is today. At this moment of historic change, I look forward to bringing our community together to celebrate & to honor the leaders & stories that are making marriage equality a reality."
For Info & Tix: marriageequality.org
LISTEN: Serafina Palandech Talks Hip Chick Farms & Equality

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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