This is a fabulous opportunity to make a difference for our LGBT community. The first-ever “LGBT Advocacy Day” on the Hill event will be held on May 18th & 19th in Washington DC sponsored by the American Bar Association Commission on Sexual Orientation (SOGI) with support from the National LGBT Association. Over the two days attendees & ABA members will have the opportunity to attend a White House briefing & meet members of Congress, build relationships with new members of Congress & educate members & their staffs on issues supported by the ABA that are extremely important to our LGBT community. As with so many issues the ABA tackles the voice of lawyers & makes a difference when the concerns of all LGBT people are presented effectively to our decision makers. Among the legislative initiatives the group will be advocating for during visits to Capitol Hill offices on May 19th are the Jury ACCESS/Non-Discrimination Act & the International Human Rights Defense Act.
The schedule for Monday, May 18th is the LGBT Advocacy Day Welcome Reception at Baker & McKenzie, 815 Connecticut Ave., NW Washington, D.C. at 5:30P & on Tuesday May 19th there’s an LGBT Advocacy Day Breakfast Opening Session at the
ABA Washington Office on 1050 Connecticut Ave., NW Suite 400 Washington, D.C. from 8A to 9:15A with a closing reception at Arnold & Porter at 555 12th Street, NW
From 5:30P to 7P. The event is free but you must preregister if you want to participate in the actual hill visits. RSVP is required for the receptions as well.
To RSVP: americanbar.org
LISTEN: 19 GLAAD Celebrity Activists Talk LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
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