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Memorial Day Weekend Ptown

By Charlotte Robinson, May 22, 2015
Memorial Day Weekend kicks off Summer 2015 for our LGBT community. This is the weekend that thousands of lesbian women from all over the globe migrate to Provincetown, Massachusetts for MemDay sponsored by Beth McGurr & LesbianNightLife. This year there will be a special treat with comedian actress Rosie O'Donnell performing for one show only on Sunday, May 24th at 9P featuring opening guest indie rocker Melissa Ferrick at Town Hall. There will also be plenty of other shows, shopping, cruising, dancing, boating, beaching, biking, barbecues & parties. The MemDay party begins with CRAVE Friday at the Paramount featuring paintable go-go girls, hot dancers, drink specials & a packed dance floor. Wear white if you want to get painted otherwise wear black. The party features DJ LaNena. On Saturday set sail aboard Provincetown's Annual Freedom Women's Boat Cruise with breathtaking views of the beautiful Cape Cod coastline while sipping delicious beverages. Enjoy an afternoon with djs, dancing & special celebrity guests featuring msladyj. On Sunday bust out the bikinis & board shorts for the 4th Annual Rehab Women's Pool Party at the Crown. Relax, revive, refresh & party as hard as you possibly can with special guest DJ JamilaAfrika. Sunday night the signature weekend closing party this year goes Above & Beyond! Mardi Gras/Carnival meets the future, but the future is now with DJ Dena.
For Info & Tix…
LISTEN: The Dinah Red Carpet Celebrities Celebrate 25 Years
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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