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Boy Scouts Accept Gay Leaders

By Charlotte Robinson, July 28, 2015
Finally the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) voted to end its homophobic ban on lesbian, gay & bisexual adult leaders effective immediately. The long overdue historic action comes after GLAAD & Scouts for Equality mounted a lengthy media campaign to bring equality to Scouting. We interviewed Jennifer Tyrrell who was at the center of the controversy on the Red Carpet at the 2012 GLAAD Media Awards. Tyrrell a lesbian mom & den leader from Ohio was removed from her 7-year-old’s Cub Scout pack for being gay in 2012 stated, “You can’t build the leaders of tomorrow by using values that were okay 100 years ago. That’s not the future & they are training the future of America & the future is families like mine, honestly. So we don’t want kids to ever go through what my son Cruz has gone through & we’re going to stick through it to the end & we’ll be here as long as they are noncompliant.” Though the new BSA policy states: “No adult applicant for registration as an employee or non-unit-serving volunteer, who otherwise meets the requirements of the Boy Scouts of America, may be denied registration on the basis of sexual orientation”, it allows religious chartered organizations to "act in ways inconsistent with that organization’s mission, principles, or religious beliefs." Sarah Kate Ellis GLAAD President & CEO stated, “Finally, hardworking & devoted gay adult leaders can serve openly & honestly in Scouting without fear of rejection or retribution. Today's historic vote will strengthen Scouting & sends a message of acceptance that will resonate for years to come, as future Scout leaders are judged by their ability to lead & not their sexual orientation.”  
Listen to our exclusive chat with Jennifer Tyrrell in 2013:
LISTEN: Actor/Comedian Jason Stuart Talks LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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