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New Lesbian Film Raven's Touch

By Charlotte Robinson, July 30, 2015
Soul Kiss Films who produces films for women, by women & about women is proud to announce the release of their fourth feature “Raven’s Touch” that will have its world premiere on Saturday August 1st in Los Angeles, followed by a screening in San Francisco on August 6th. “Raven’s Touch” is a collaboration between SKF, producer/director Marina Rice Bader (Executive Producer of Elena Undone, A Perfect Ending & writer/director of Anatomy of a Love Seen) & Dreya Weber (The Gymnast, A Marine Story) who also co-directs, stars & wrote the screenplay. “Raven’s Touch” also stars Traci Dinwiddie (The Notebook, Elena Undone, Supernatural). The film tells the story of two women who find healing in the most unexpected place. Blaming herself for a tragic accident, Raven Michaels (Dreya Weber) secludes herself at a remote family cabin. She wanders the woods on the verge of a breakdown, seeking peace in isolation. In a last ditch attempt to save her family, Kate Royce (Traci Dinwiddie) takes her two teenagers camping far from the distractions of technology and young romance. When Raven & Kate’s worlds collide they offer each other unexpected opportunities for intimacy & healing. When we interviewed Marina on OUTTAKE VOICES™ in 2014 about her personal commitment to LGBT civil rights she stated, “I have unwavering commitment to the LGBT community to keep telling their stories, which are our stories & the stories of women which show the rest of the world that we’re all walking the same walk. We love, we have kids, we struggle with relationships, money, our place in the world & every human being goes through the same thing.”
For More Info & Tix: soulkissfilms.com

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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