Thursday October 15th everyone is encouraged to go purple &
participate on social media for Spirit Day on as a sign of support for
lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender (LGBT) youth & to
speak out against bullying. We at OUTTAKE have supported Spirit Day
since it began in 2010 following the media's coverage of a rash of LGBT
teen suicides including the tragic death of Tyler Clementi. On October
15th Spirit Day now inspires millions to "go purple" to support our LGBT
youth in a united stand against bullying. According to GLSEN's 2013
National School Climate Survey, 8 out of 10 LGBT students experience
harassment at school & over 60% of LGBT students who did report a
bullying case said their school staff did nothing. Spirit Day draws the
participation of political leaders, celebrities, corporations, media
outlets, sports leagues, schools, faith institutions, national landmarks
& individuals around the world to take a stand against bullying
and show their support for LGBT youth. Sarah Kate Ellis GLAAD CEO
& President stated, "While every candidate running for President
doesn't agree with us on issues of equality & acceptance for
all LGBT people, certainly we can all agree that no kid deserves to be
bullied or harassed simply for being who they are. Today, we invite all
candidates running for the highest office in our land to join us in
taking a stand against bullying & the terrible consequences it
causes for way too many of our youth."
For More Info: glaad.org
Listen: Trans Activist Jennifer Finney Boylan Talks LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
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