It is crucial that we address how our LGBTQ community is affected by the election of Donald Trump & what we can do to resist. In Boston on Monday June 5th Boston Pride will hold a political forum focused on human rights & education addressing our LGBTQ community at the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate, 210 Morrissey Blvd in Boston, Massachusetts at 6P. Panelists will include Congressman Mike Capuano, Arline Isaacson, Co-Chair Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus, Carl Sciortino, Executive Director, AIDS Action Committee & former State Representative, Kevin J. Dumas, Mayor Attleboro MA & Alison King, Political Reporter NBC Boston will moderate the event. Arline Isaacson, MGLPC Co-Chair stated, “Our community has experienced decades of pain & travail: Harassment, discrimination, psychological & physical assaults of all kinds. We have also enjoyed the success of our movements for equality, bringing us more benefits & protections than ever before. The question is: Will we allow an erosion in those victories & successes? Will we put up with diminutions in our equality? I hope the answer is a resounding No & I hope our answer for others is No as well. We've learned a lot from our battles for equality. We've learned the we couldn't have succeeded without the support & active involvement of friends & allies. Now as we fight to protect our own advancements, we need to return the favor and work to protect those of others as well. To not do so, would leave us culpable of the crime of indifference. To borrow from Edmund Burke: 'The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.' "
For More Info: bostonpride.org
Listen: Rev. Edmonds-Allen Talks LGBTQ Religious Freedom Event
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
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