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NYC Pride March Rise & Resist

By Charlotte Robinson, June 21, 2017
Inspired by the defiant spirit from which NYC Pride was born, 18 diverse LGBT community organizations will march together at the front of this year’s NYC Pride March on Sunday June 25th. The allied “Resistance” was formed in response to the attacks on the LGBTQ community by the Trump Administration & other enemies of civil rights & social justice. The group is expected to attract a large number of protesters & celebrants. Ken Kidd, a longtime New York City activist who conceived the plan for resistance groups to lead the march & who led the negotiations with Heritage of Pride, the organization that plans NYC Pride stated, “Since the Stonewall Riots & the first pride march, LGBTQ rights & indeed our very lives--have never been under siege like they are now under the Trump regime. Every year, the March celebrates our victories in our fight for equality. This year, it must celebrate our ongoing commitment to keep the rights our community has worked so hard to achieve & bond us together to expand on them.” Building on the momentum from the pride parade in Los Angeles, which activists turned into a resistance march; the Columbus, Ohio, Pride Festival, where refugees fleeing persecution will serve as grand marshals & Washington, DC, where activists mounted their own alternative March for Unity & Pride, thousands of marchers will convert their frustration & anger at the president into a celebration of strength, perseverance & community. The diverse, multi-generational groups plan to employ chanting, singing, dancing, die-ins & a wide array of props & visuals to express their resistance to a historic assault on LGBTQ rights.
For More Info: riseandresist.org
LISTEN: Celebrities, Filmmakers & Activists Speak OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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