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LGBTQ Health Care At Risk

By Charlotte Robinson, June 23, 2017
The American people deserve so much more than what the American Health Care Act proposes. If the Senate passes this insult to humanity millions of Americans will lose coverage, Plan Parenthood is in jeopardy & millions of LGBTQ people & people living with HIV will lose their health insurance. Rick Zbur Equality California Executive Director stated, “The bill unveiled by the Senate isn’t just mean, as Donald Trump himself admits about the House version, it’s immoral. If passed, it will have a devastating impact on the health & lives of millions of LGBTQ people & people living with HIV, who will lose health insurance & transgender people who received coverage for the first time under the ACA. Because LGBTQ people are twice as likely to be living in poverty as the general public, the Medicaid expansion & federal subsidies are important components of the ACA which significantly increased healthcare coverage for people in the LGBTQ community. The weakening of protections for people with preexisting conditions means that insurers can once again deny coverage to millions of people or charge them exorbitant premiums, which effectively denies them coverage. The bill also guts Medicaid & hundreds of billions of dollars in federal insurance subsidies, making healthcare unaffordable for millions more. It also imposes a one-year freeze on Medicaid reimbursements to Planned Parenthood, a vital healthcare provider on which millions of women & LGBTQ people depend for a wide range of healthcare services. In addition to the cruel & harmful impact on the LGBTQ community, the Republican proposal would devastate the health & wellbeing of millions of vulnerable Americans, including those who are low-income, disabled, living with HIV, older than 50, in poor health or have mental health needs. Equality California is committed to fighting this bill in the days ahead in Washington, D.C., in California & across the country to preserve healthcare access for the LGBTQ community & all Americans.”
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