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Faith In America For LGBT Youth

By Charlotte Robinson, June 01, 2017
Faith in America has released plans to bring the message of protecting LGBT youth to the Southern Baptist Convention that runs June 13th to 14th at the Phoenix Convention Center in Arizona. America’s LGBT teens & kids are in crisis. For example LGBT kids raised in condemning homophobic religious families are 8 times more likely to attempt suicide than their straight peers & nearly half of America’s homeless youth are LGBT. Since the Trump presidency more than a quarter of LGBT youth say they have been personally bullied or harassed compared to 14 percent of non-LGBT youth. Mitchell Gold, FIA co-founder stated, "This is an historic moment & we, at Faith in America, are taking action. We ask the media to cover this with the seriousness this deserves. This is not about conflict & division. It is about speaking the truth & standing up for our kids & teens being hurt. It is also about finding common ground around our children and youth. The level of depression & anxiety existing in the lives of LGBT teens & kids is sadly outpacing those maladies in other groups. We use the word “condemning” to describe the churches that are bad players & hurt LGBT teens & kids with harsh messages that alienate, diminish & stigmatize. This hurts youth & creates animosity within the hearts of parents, siblings & other kin that, in turn, also serves to abandon our youth, leaving them feeling alone in a cold world. These teachings create bullies.” Faith in America is in communication with Southern Baptist Convention leadership & a meeting is pending scheduling.
For More Info: faithinamerica.org
LISTEN: Back Lot Bash Women’s Festival Rocks Chicago Pride
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

This is not a safe time for LGBT Youth who are more vulnerable now under current divisive bullying. I"m so glad Faith in America is reaching out to the Conference. Thanks Charlotte for reporting this.

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