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Gays Against Guns NYC Event

By Charlotte Robinson, July 21, 2017
Dewey Moss's fabulous Off-Broadway play The Crusade of Connor Stephens is partnering with Gays Against Guns NY & Moms Demand Action for an illuminating night of theater & conversation. On Sunday July 23rd directly following the 7:30P performance the audience is invited to stay for a talkback with the cast & creatives along with Kevin Gotkin from Gays Against Guns NY & Bryan D. Keane from Moms Demand Action. Discussion topics will include the importance of theater reflecting current headlines, the work that Gays Against Guns NY & Moms Demand Action are currently doing & why The Crusade of Connor Stephens has relevance in today's society. They will address how families with differing viewpoints can survive in Trump’s America. In The Crusade of Connor Stephens extreme loss shakes a Texas family following a tragic school shooting. In the midst of widespread media attention, their story becomes an allegory for the national debate over religion, tolerance, LGBTQ issues & the seedlings of hate. Dewey Moss's The Crusade of Connor Stephens is a play that comes roaring out the gate like a bull let loose from its corral, tearing up the stage at the Jerry Orbach Theater for two fiery hours before sending us off to think a lot about what we have borne witness to. It’s a “message for our times in the current climate of gun violence, anti LGBTQ platforms & a rising incidence of hate crimes in the USA. For More Info & Tix: crusade2017.com 
LISTEN: Paula Poundstone Talks New Material & Trump Crisis
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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