Community Marketing & Insights recently revealed their 2017 annual LGBT community survey results from 17,300 LGBTs living in the United States with an interesting spin on LGBT rights, safety & equality with the changing political environment in this country. The survey showed that our LGBT community feels less secure than it did in the recent past with 82% indicating that they fear the loss of LGBT civil rights recently gained. Also overall our LGBT community members are feeling negative about the political & social direction of the country across every indicator tested with 85% indicating that the country is heading in the wrong direction & 85% reporting increased fear of hate crime violence. Another interesting part of the survey is LGBT friendly perceptions of country, state & community with 56% of LGBT community members living the United States consider the United States to be LGBT friendly compared to 98% of Canadians who consider Canada to be LGBT friendly. However most LGBT participants in the United States considered their local community to be LGBT friendly (82%), which may be an indication that we move to places where we feel more welcomed. The state-by-state analysis is interesting as people living in “blue” states had high praise for their state & local community & those living in deep “red” states had negative perceptions of their state but more positive perceptions of their local community. Community Marketing & Insights has provided LGBT research, market insights, strategies & training to corporate leaders, non-profits, universities & government institutions around the world since 1992.
For More Info: communitymarketinginc.com
LISTEN: Paula Poundstone Talks New Material & Trump Crisis
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
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