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LGBT Civil Rights At Risk

By Charlotte Robinson, July 08, 2017
Donald Trump has once again attacked our LGBTQ community by nominating Eric Dreiband the lawyer responsible for implementing North Carolina’s backward "bathroom bill" to serve as the Department of Justice's head of Civil Rights Enforcement. Rick Zbur, Executive Director of Equality California stated, “Once again, a nomination by Donald Trump is sending a terrible signal to LGBTQ Americans in general & to transgender people in particular. North Carolina’s HB 2 is one of the most anti-LGBTQ pieces of state legislation in recent history & to pick Eric Dreiband one of its legal champions for this important position makes it clear that we cannot count on Trump to protect the rights of LGBTQ Americans. As we opposed the nominations of others in the growing ranks of anti-LGBTQ members of the Trump Administration, we soundly oppose Dreiband’s nomination for a post vital to the civil rights of millions of vulnerable Americans. We urge every member of the U.S. Senate to firmly oppose his confirmation to ensure that the job of the assistant attorney general is executed as intended to protect the civil rights of the most vulnerable.” If confirmed this homophobic man would be responsible for overseeing the Justice Department's efforts on voting rights, employment, disability & immigration discrimination, police brutality & transgender issues, among other matters central to the health and wellbeing of LGBTQ Americans, women & disabled people, including those living with HIV & AIDS. Like other Trump nominations Dreiband has no working experience in most of these areas. (Graphic by Richard Emmanuel)
LISTEN: Paula Poundstone Talks New Material & Trump Crisis
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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