The Georgia State Senate by a vote of 35-19 has passed Senate Bill 375 which is another discriminatory religious exemption bill that allows taxpayer-funded agencies to deny adoption requests from LGBTQ couples & refuse service to LGBTQ youth.
Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD stated, “Senate Bill 375 is a dangerous step backward that would codify permission to discriminate against the LGBTQ community into Georgia state law. This bill is not about freedom of religion, which is one of our nation’s fundamental values, but rather about imposing one’s personal religious beliefs on others to discriminate against loving foster or adoptive parents simply because of their identity & deny services to LGBTQ youth.” Fran Hutchins Equality Federation Deputy Director added, “As someone who was adopted myself I find it deeply insulting that a few politicians are putting LGBTQ youth & families at risk for discrimination. Every child deserves a loving family & place the call home.” Jeff Graham, Executive Director at Equality Georgia concluded, “This legislation goes out of its way to make it harder for loving & committed gay & lesbian couples to start a family & unfortunately, it’s children in need of permanent homes who will pay the steepest price.” Georgia is one of 10 states with no child welfare non-discrimination protections for sexual orientation or gender identity. Legal protections for LGBTQ youth are essential but SB 375 only target this already vulnerable community with more discrimination.
For More Info: equalityfederation.org
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