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Conversion Therapy Ban Wins

By Charlotte Robinson, June 28, 2018
Some good news in Massachusetts for our LGBTQ community in the midst of the deconstruction of the US Supreme Court. The Massachusetts House voted 137-14 to pass the Conversion Therapy Ban bill H.4664, An Act relative to abusive practices to change sexual orientation & gender identity in minors. In doing so Massachusetts is closer to becoming the 15th state to ban the use of conversion therapy on minors. Arline Isaacson, co-chairwoman of the Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus stated, “The bill is important for LGBTQ youth who have been forced into this barbaric treatment by well-intentioned families who did not realize how damaging it would be to their kids." Deborah Shields, JD, MPH MassEquality’s Executive Director concluded, “Yesterday’s House vote to ban the dangerous & fraudulent practice of conversion therapy from being used on our youth is an important step in protecting all children in Massachusetts. Massachusetts has an established history of standing up for fairness & equality & of protecting & supporting LGBTQ youth. MassEquality urges the Senate to vote on & pass S.62, their version of this bill, as soon as possible to protect the Commonwealth’s young people from this harmful & discredited practice. We thank the House for doing right thing yesterday & passing this bill. We especially want to thank Rep. Kay Khan for her continued leadership on the bill, as well as the Reps. who spoke so eloquently in favor of the bill on the House floor, including Rep. Jack Lewis, Rep. Sarah Peake & Rep. Sheila Harrington.” The bill now goes to the state Senate for consideration. If it passes the Senate it will go to Governor Charlie Baker.
For More Info: massequality.org
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1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

I feel certain the legislators in Massachusetts have their hearts in the right place; that the Senate will support the ban and that Charlie Baker will sign the bill into law. A great step forward.

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