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SAGE Celebrates 40 Fierce Years

By Charlotte Robinson, June 03, 2018
SAGE has been at the forefront of LGBT issues, fighting & winning on behalf of older LGBT people across the country since its inception in 1978. This year during National LGBT Pride month SAGE is celebrating 40 fierce years with the launch of a new website, a commemorative anniversary edition of SAGE Matters Magazine, a match campaign supported by the Edie Windsor Challenge Fund & several special events throughout the year. Michael Adams SAGE CEO stated, “We are forever indebted to our pioneers—our elders—for paving the way to so many historic LGBT victories. As we commemorate SAGE’s 40 years, we celebrate our important wins & keep our eye toward the future. In the face of renewed ignorance, bigotry & bankrupt leadership in Washington, D.C., we must continue our work with dogged determination until all LGBT elders are treated with dignity & respect.” Since our LGBTQ community has been erased from the Trump administration it is crucial that more LGBT elders can access what they need to age well. SAGE’s new website offers lifesaving tools for LGBT elders & those who care for them, including an interactive U.S. map of housing resources & comprehensive information for LGBT caregivers. Among the many events scheduled in celebration of its anniversary SAGE will commemorate 40 fierce years at its annual gala on October 15th this year honoring George Takei with the Joyce Warshow Lifetime Achievement award. Also, on November 8th SAGE will hold its annual national intergenerational SAGE Table, gathering thousands of LGBT people & their allies to share meals & discuss challenges, opportunities & the future.
For More Info:sageusa.org
LISTEN: New LPAC Leader Stephanie Sandberg Speaks OUT
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

So grateful to SAGE for their continuing dedication to LGBT elders.

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