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Equality Federation Leadership Event

By Charlotte Robinson, July 20, 2018
Equality Federation is presenting their 21st Annual Leadership Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana from July 25th to July 28th. Rebecca Isaacs, Executive Director of Equality Federation stated, “This is perhaps the most crucial year for our movement to come together in our history because we’re facing an opposition, at the federal & state levels, that is more extreme & more emboldened than ever. Thankfully, we have a roster of brilliant state & movement leaders who are energized & ready to fight back. I’m excited that we’re convening in the South this year because of the rich history of resistance & all the inspiring social-justice leadership from this region.” Forum for Equality & Louisiana Trans Advocate who are Equality Federation member organizations based in New Orleans will serve as a host organizations for the conference. SarahJane Guidry, Executive Director of Forum for Equality concluded, “We are so excited to welcome the Leadership Conference to New Orleans & the have the LGBTQ movement bringing their hometown expertise to ours. This conference is so valuable to us because it gives us the opportunity to give each other support during difficult times & share with each other across state lines our strategies to win equality. It’s an exciting time for our city & state as we continue to grow, but remaining always unique. We are proud to call it home. Louisiana confronts many challenges & we’re meeting those challenges during a time of larger, nation-wide change.” The conference will include workshops on issues such as comprehensive nondiscrimination, HIV, racial justice, immigration, reproductive justice, defeating anti-LGBTQ religious exemptions & winning bans on conversion therapy, plus skills-building sessions focused on leadership, field organizing, digital organizing, messaging & more. This year Equality Federation member organizations from Equality Florida to Equality California have defeated over 160 anti-LGBTQ bills & won victories in towns & states all across the nation.  
For More Info: forumforequality.org
LISTEN: Jewelle Gomez Talks New Play “Waiting for Giovanni”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

Equality Federation is a super high powered org and this Conference is both timely and necessary to educate and inform and offer opportunity to share ideas and strategies to overcome the attempt to reverse our progress.

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