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Ruthie & Connie LGBT Elder Act

By Charlotte Robinson, July 19, 2018
U.S. Representative Suzanne Bonamici honored Ruthie Berman & the late Connie Kurtz for their tireless activism in our LGBT community & in addition to acknowledging their efforts Bonamici along with her colleagues Florida Representatives Ted Deutch & Charlie Christ advocated for the passage of the Ruthie & Connie LGBT Elder Americans Act. The bill introduced in 2017 would better serve LGBT elders who face higher rates of poverty, pronounced social isolation & less access to health care due to barriers in the aging system & past discrimination. Michael Adams SAGE CEO stated, "SAGE applauds representatives Bonamici, Deutch & Christ for championing the inclusion of LGBT elders in the Older Americans Act. This is a well-deserved honor & tribute to our beloved Ruthie & Connie, LGBT trailblazers who spent decades fighting on behalf of equal treatment for the LGBT community. SAGE will continue to advocate for this important legislation & for more federal policies that address the needs of our LGBT elders & enable them to age with the dignity & respect." The bill endorsed by SAGE, would increase federal support to millions of LGBT elders through the Older Americans Act (OAA), the country’s largest vehicle for funding & delivering services to older people in the U.S. It is expected to be re-introduced next year for a vote. SAGE is the country's largest & oldest organization dedicated to improving the lives of LGBT older people. Founded in 1978 & headquartered in NYC SAGE is a national organization that offers supportive services & consumer resources to LGBT older people & their caregivers
For More Info: sageusa.org
LISTEN: Jewelle Gomez Talks New Play “Waiting for Giovanni”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

So grateful for the work done by SAGE toward improving and assuring the safety and well-being of aging LGBT citizens. The political activity in Florida is very hopeful and is very appreciated.

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