In an attempt to better meet the needs of LGBTQ youth in Georgia’s Child Welfare System a guide was co-authored by a group of child welfare organizations & experts, including The Health Initiative, Children’s Rights, Georgia Equality & others. The guide shines a light on the unique needs of LGBTQ youth & makes specific recommendations for how the system can best serve them. Linda Ellis, Executive Director of The Health Initiative stated, “This guide will help child welfare providers in Georgia better understand the needs of LGBTQ youth, strengthen standards of care & help ensure that all people who interact with the child welfare system are trained on how to effectively & respectfully work with LGBTQ youth. Children in our state’s care are our responsibility & that means we must ensure that the systems serving our most vulnerable kids are as effective as possible.” Christina Wilson Remlin, Lead Counsel at Children’s Rights, a national advocacy organization fighting for the rights of youth in foster care added,
“As someone who advocates for foster youth across the country, I’ve seen firsthand the challenges that result from the absence of a strong legal framework to protect LGBTQ children. If states like Georgia continue to move toward adopting comprehensive non-discrimination policies and mandate appropriate training, young people will have a much better chance at living happy, healthy, productive lives.” The guide highlights policies, training & best practices to support LGBTQ youths’ wellbeing while combatting homelessness & mistreatment, including recommendations for collecting relevant data & specific strategies to empower case managers to more effectively work with LGBTQ youth.
For More Info: thehealthinitiative.org
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