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"Raging Skillet" Plays Cape Cod

By Charlotte Robinson, August 22, 2018
Chef Rossi’s memoir “The Raging Skillet” has morphed into a creative & hilarious stage production “Raging Skillet” by Jacques Lamarre that will be performed at Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theater (WHAT) with previews beginning August 22nd, opening night August 24th & runs through September 15th. “Raging Skillet” is one woman's story about cooking her way through some of life's biggest challenges in New York City's most unlikely kitchens. As the rebel caterer parties at the launch event for her new tell-all book her Orthodox Jewish mother shows up unannounced twenty years after she died & guilt trips her into a reckoning with her rebellious past, her time with a Hassidic community in Brooklyn & the real meaning of a Jewish home. The WHAT production of “Raging Skillet” is directed by Sasha Bratt with artistic direction by Christopher Ostrom & stars Shanel Sparr & features Kathryn Kates & Michael Patrick Trimm. When asked what she would like to accomplish with her work Chef Rossi stated, “I think I would most like to see the empowerment of women especially in the culinary field would be great. I’d like to see the empowerment of young gay adults & gay teenagers. I’d like to see the empowerment of the underdog in general. I’m kind of a runaway, throwaway, white trash little kid from New Jersey who went from literally being homeless to whatever this thing is called Chef Rossi. I just think that my story really empowers people that are down & out or the underdog or minorities and I just hope I can help.”
For Info & Tix: what.org
LISTEN: Chef Rossi Talks “Raging Skillet” Play From Her Memoir
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

Congratulations to my friend Chef Rossi and wish her great success with "Raging Skillet"

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