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LGBT Leaders & Allies Against Hate

By Charlotte Robinson, August 12, 2018
With the anniversary of the bloody murderous attack on Charlottesville, Virginia by white nationalists, white supremacists, alt-right & Neo-Nazis Jason Kessler & other rally organizers are even more emboldened with plans to bring their message of hate to the nation’s capital today. Candace Bond-Theriault, Director of the Task Force’s Democracy Project stated, “White nationalism is a divisive message of hate that seeks to suppress the rights of all others. From the ballot box, to the lunch counter, the cake shop & to who sits in the White House, white supremacists seek a world free of anyone they deem other, be it those that are Black, Jewish, non-white, women, LGBTQ, or anyone else that disagrees with their message of hate.” Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland stated, “Hate has no place in our society & these white supremacists & the racism & bigotry they spew are not welcome in our state today, this weekend, or ever. As we face this invasion of vile & perverted ideology infesting our region, we stand united in our conviction that a diverse & inclusive Maryland is a stronger Maryland. We stand ready to provide any needed assistance to our regional partners as they prepare to deal with the ramifications of these despicable rallies. I have directed state agencies, including the Maryland State Police, Maryland Emergency Management Agency & the Governor's Office of Homeland Security, to coordinate efforts with their D.C. & Virginia counterparts to ensure the safety of all of our citizens.” Let’s honor the memory of Heather Heyer who was murdered by a white nationalist terrorist on the anniversary of her death & keep her loved ones in our thoughts.
LISTEN: Stephen Winter Talks New Film “One Stride: Chosen Family”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

Heartened by the message from Maryland's Governor along with Virginia and DC to protect from vile, hateful messages and actions. I hope all will be safe today.

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