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Lesbian Mayoral Candidate Wins

By Charlotte Robinson, April 24, 2019
Jane Castor easily beat her opponent in the Tampa mayoral runoff Tuesday night becoming the first openly LGBTQ person elected mayor of a top 100 city in the Southeastern United States. Annise Parker, President & CEO of LGBTQ Victory Fund & Former Houston Mayor stated, “A lavender ceiling was shattered in Florida Tuesday night – with voters overwhelmingly electing Jane Castor the first openly lesbian big city mayor in the Southeastern United States. Both LGBTQ people & women face tremendous obstacles in running for public office, but Jane’s victory shows lesbian candidates can win citywide office with a strong record of public service & policy priorities that align with their constituents. While voters chose Jane because of her vision for Tampa, her willingness to be open & honest about her life lent her an authenticity that voters are drawn to not just in Tampa, but across the nation. That is why an unprecedented number of lesbian candidates are plowing through crowded primaries & winning big city mayoral races this cycle – putting us on-track to make 2019 the Year of the Lesbian Mayor.” Only five out lesbians have ever been elected mayor of top 100 cities – three of them elected just this year. If Jolie Justus wins her race for Kansas City mayor this June, that number will rise to six, tripling the number of lesbian mayors elected to top 100 cities. The LGBTQ Victory Fund works to change the face & voice of America’s politics & achieve equality for LGBTQ Americans by increasing the number of openly LGBTQ elected officials at all levels of government.
For More Info: victoryfund.org
LISTEN: Producer Lotti Pharriss Knowles Talks New Film Goddess
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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