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Vatican Meeting with LGBT Leaders

By Charlotte Robinson, April 06, 2019
There was a meeting at the Vatican with Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Vatican Secretary of State & lawyers & leaders from international LGBT human rights organizations on Friday April 5th in the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace. The meeting was to address improving the relationship between LGBT people & the Catholic Church. According to Francis DeBernardo, Executive Director, New Ways Ministry it was a step in the right direction but more action needs to happen. DeBernardo stated, “We had hoped for a stronger statement from Cardinal Parolin in response to the information presented by the LGBT advocates on human rights violations. Parolin reaffirmed church teaching on human dignity & opposition to violence of any sort & he promised to inform the pope of the meeting & to remain in touch with the leaders. But, the Vatican & especially Pope Francis, need to speak out more strongly against laws which criminalize LGBT people & cultural attitudes which support & promote violence against them. Vague generalizations will not suffice, nor will they be effective.” The New Ways Ministry is a 42-year old national Catholic ministry of justice & reconciliation for LGBT people & the church that’s based in Mount Rainer, Maryland. DeBernardo concluded, “Unfortunately, in many countries Catholic bishops have shamefully been either silent, or worse, supportive of measures that criminalize LGBT people, often with inhuman punishments. As a next step, Vatican officials & Pope Francis need to clearly & forcefully denounce LGBT criminalization laws. Decisive action is needed to respond to this terrible scourge which destroys lives & erodes human dignity.”
For More Info: newwaysministry.org
LISTEN: Ted Allen Talks Dining Out For Life To Fight HIV/AIDS
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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