The Massachusetts Senate has passed S.2203, An Act relative to gender identity on Massachusetts identification nearly unanimously. This legislation gives people the option to use a gender-neutral “X” gender marker instead of “M” or “F” on their state-issued ID & birth certificate. With the 39-1 vote in the Senate Massachusetts moves closer to becoming the 8th state plus New York City to allow for a gender-neutral designation on birth certificates & the 5th state, plus the District of Columbia to allow for a gender-neutral designation on drivers licenses, without requiring a doctor’s statement supporting the change. Senate Senator Julian Cyr (D-Truro) stated, “Massachusetts has always led on equity & justice, especially in our proud bi-partisan support of LGBTQ people. Today the Massachusetts Senate continued that tradition by passing legislation that provides the opportunity for Massachusetts residents who are transgender or gender non-conforming to self-identify on all Massachusetts identification documents. Legislation passed by the Senate allows for accuracy, privacy & safety for individuals who do not fit neatly into a specific gender identity. I am grateful to my colleagues for their support of gender non-conforming people. Our vote today recognizes the dignity of all, no matter their gender identity or expression.” Deborah Shields, Executive Director MassEquality concluded,
“With the passage of this important bill, the Senate continues Massachusetts’ long history of standing up for fairness, inclusion & equality for all. We thank the bill’s Senate sponsor, Senator Jo Comerford & Senate President Spilka for their commitment to championing this legislation in the Senate & all the Senators who voted to extend official recognition of non-binary people on our state identity documents.”
For More info: massequality.org
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