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MassEquality On Straight Parade

By Charlotte Robinson, August 30, 2019
In Boston a group known as Super Happy Fun America has planned a Straight Pride March at noon on Saturday August 31st beginning in Boston’s Copley Square & ending at Boston City Hall Plaza. Robb Johnson, MassEquality Acting Executive Director stated, “MassEquality works to ensure that everyone in the Commonwealth can thrive without discrimination & oppression based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. That language is inclusive. The non-discrimination & hate crimes laws that LGBTQ people fought long & hard for protect straight people too. If a straight person feels targeted or excluded based on their sexual orientation or gender identity, they now have avenues to pursue justice. Straight rights are indeed human rights & they’re already protected. We absolutely reject the idea prominently featured on the Parade organizers’ website -- that straight people are oppressed. Straight people’s rights are not diminished when society makes room for LGBTQ people. There is space at the table for all of us. MassEquality supports a vision where we live together in peace. That said, MassEquality does support the right of all Americans to lawfully assemble, whether that be in peaceful protest or in celebration. We also support the right of counter demonstrators to gather to peacefully express concern about the motives or message of those assembled. Unfortunately we live in a time where we’re witnessing the rise of forces that seek to stamp out diversity in this country. It serves us all to be vigilant.” MassEquality is the leading statewide grassroots advocacy organization working to ensure that everyone across Massachusetts can thrive from cradle to grave without discrimination & oppression based on sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
For More Info: massequality.org
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