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Hallmark Does The Right Thing (VIDEO)

By Charlotte Robinson, December 16, 2019
After extreme pressure to do the right thing The Hallmark Channel has reinstated TV ads featuring a lesbian couple. Sarah Kate Ellis GLAAD President & CEO stated, “The Hallmark Channel’s decision to correct its mistake sends an important message to LGBTQ people & represents a major loss for fringe organizations, like One Million Moms, whose sole purpose is to hurt families like mine. LGBTQ people are & will continue to be a part of advertisements & family programming & that will never change. GLAAD exists to hold brands like The Hallmark Channel accountable when they make discriminatory decisions & to proactively ensure families of all kinds are represented in fair and accurate ways.” Mike Perry CEO of Hallmark stated, “Hallmark is & always has been, committed to diversity & inclusion – both in our workplace as well as the products & experiences we create. It is never Hallmark’s intention to be divisive or generate controversy. We are an inclusive company & have a track record to prove it. We have LGBTQ greeting cards & feature LGBTQ couples in commercials. We have been recognized as one of the Human Rights Campaigns Best Places to Work & as one of Forbes America’s Best Employers for Diversity…Hallmark will be working with GLAAD to better represent the LGBTQ community across our portfolio of brands. The Hallmark Channel will be reaching out to Zola to reestablish our partnership & reinstate the commercials.” This is great news but Hallmark rolled out 40 original holiday-themed movies this season & none of these films included an LGBTQ main character. Only “Season of Love” produced Tello Films & DASH Productions filled that void. Watch Trailer:  
For More Info: tellofilms.com
LISTEN: Christin Baker Talks First LGBTQ Holiday Movie 
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

My gratitude goes to GLAAD whose vigilance and persuasion is key to inclusiveness in the media.

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