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New Center For American Progress Role

By Charlotte Robinson, September 29, 2021

The Center for American Progress has announced that Nicole Lee Ndumele will be its first senior vice president of Rights & Justice. Ndumele who previously served as CAP’s vice president for Racial Equity & Justice has a broad expertise in civil rights, racial justice, criminal justice, anti-poverty & pro-democracy work. She has deep experience within government, the advocacy community & in philanthropy working for a bold rights & justice agenda. In this new role Ndumele will lead the organization’s work to advance large-scale policy solutions that chart a new path forward for advancing rights, justice & equity in our increasingly diverse America. This will include developing, communicating & executing policies that cut across the issues of criminal justice, disability justice, faith, gun violence prevention, immigration, LGBTQ rights & racial equity & justice. Patrick Gaspard, President & CEO of the Center for American Progress stated, “Nicole has deep expertise in leading cross-movement work & a strong commitment to building an America where all people have an opportunity to thrive. Nicole’s significant policy & legal experience, as well as her commitment to ensuring that we develop bold policy solutions that ensure that our country lives up to its ideals, make her the ideal person to lead our cross-cutting rights & justice work at this critical moment for our country.” The Center for American Progress is a nonpartisan research & educational institute dedicated to promoting a strong, just & free America that ensures opportunity for all. They work to find progressive & pragmatic solutions to significant domestic & international problems & develop policy proposals that foster a government that is “of the people, by the people & for the people.” For More Info…

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