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NYC Anti-Violence Project Virtual Event

By Charlotte Robinson, September 06, 2021

The NYC Anti-violence Project as part of AVP’s 40th anniversary is presenting “Courageous Conversations” that will address the impact of spiritual violence by some religious traditions towards our LGBTQ community. This will be a two-part live broadcast on September 23rd & 30th with community experts from AVP, Trinity Church Wall Street & their partners who will discuss spiritual violence against LGBTQ people, what can be done to address these wounds & how faith communities & anti-violence organizations can work together to stem this damaging rhetoric. Speakers will included; Rev. Liz Edmanis an Episcopal priest & political strategist, Rev. Kyndra Frazier an ordained Baptist clergywoman & licensed clinician, Rabbi Marisa Elana James Director of Social Justice Programming at Congregation Beit Simchat Torah, J Mase III a Black Transgender queer poet & educator based in Seattle by way of Philly, Rev. Clint Schnekloth pastor at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Fayetteville, Arkansas, Lisa Stuart a 38 year old Christian trans woman who came to northwest Arkansas from south Mississippi ten years ago seeking a safe place to begin her transition, Darlene S. Torres, LMSW & the Director of Client Services at the New York City Anti-Violence Project & Rev. Matt Welsch who serves as Priest for Youth & Family at Trinity Church Wall Street. In 1980 the New York City Anti-Violence Project (AVP) was born in the streets of Chelsea created by community activists in response to a series of brutal attacks against gay men. From the start they took to the streets, pushed back on the police & demanded safety & justice for our LGBTQ community at a time when few believed it was our right. For Info & Registration… 


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