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LGBTQ Task Force Virtual Census Event

By Charlotte Robinson, February 22, 2022

The National LGBTQ Task Force is presenting “Queer the Census: When We Count” virtually Thursday February 24th at 6:30P EST via Zoom. Census Bureau staff will discuss the agency's work to collect & analyze data about LGBTQ+ people across the U.S. using the American Community Survey, the Household Pulse Survey & the Economic Census. The National LGBTQ Task Force & Creating Change 365 will host a panel discussion with U.S. Census Bureau staff including Heidi Crawford, Data Dissemination Specialist, U.S. Census Bureau, Anh Nguyen, Data Dissemination Specialist, U.S. Census Bureau & Larry B. Carter, Account Manager, U.S. Census Bureau. The event will be hosted by National LGBTQ Task Force's own Federal Regulatory Counsel, Clermon E. Acklin III. Find out what happens when data about LGBTQ+ people is collected. The Census helps LGBTQ communities access billions in federal funding for social programs, helps us build political power & helps us enforce civil rights protections. While the Census doesn’t ask questions about sexual orientation or gender identity it’s still vital for us to be counted. Filling out the Census is a critical component in building our collective power to fight for our rights including the right to be fully represented in the Census count. Like other marginalized communities LGBTQ people have historically been undercounted on the Census. The ‘Queer the Census’ campaign is working to change that so that our community can access the things it needs most - dollars, democracy & justice. This is a crucially important factor of achieving our equality. For nearly 50 years the National LGBTQ Task Force has organized digitally & directly on-the-ground & the Census has been a focus of our advocacy since 1990. For Registration…

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