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Alabama Emergency Court Order Filed

By Charlotte Robinson, April 21, 2022

Alabama parents have been joined by a minister & medical providers to seek an emergency court order to block SB 184 the law that will criminalize their transgender children’s ongoing medical care. SB 184 punishes parents & their children’s doctors for providing or even suggesting well-established essential medical care for their transgender children. The punishment can include up to 10 years in prison taking effect May 8th. The two medical providers are proceeding anonymously due to the risk of criminal prosecution. Reverend Eknes-Tucker v. Ivey filed the new legal challenge in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Alabama - Northern Division because the plaintiffs face criminal penalties & a dangerous loss of necessary medical care for their children under SB 184 they asked the court to block the law from going into effect while their case against it proceeds. Reverend Paul Eknes-Tucker who has served as Senior Pastor at historic Pilgrim Church UCC since 2015 stated, "As a minister, I counsel parents with transgender children about how best to love & support their children. Under SB 184, those conversations now come with a risk of criminal prosecution. This dangerous law is an unthinkable infringement on parental rights & the freedom of pastors & other faith leaders to counsel their own parishioners. This law is destructive not only to families in Alabama, but to the freedoms & values Alabamians hold dear.” Asaf Orr NCLR Senior Staff Attorney & Transgender Youth Project Director concluded, “Allowing SB 184 to go into effect will cause enormous stress & harm to families across Alabama. A state should not criminalize parents & doctors for following medical guidelines & providing needed medical treatments.” For More Info…

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