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Supporting LGBTQ Changes To Title IX

By Charlotte Robinson, July 13, 2022

The Department of Education has officially published notice for proposed rule changes for the next 60-day period. This includes the proposed regulation which will add sexual orientation & gender identity as enumerated protected characteristics within the Title IX regulation. Our LGBTQ community needs to weigh in & make supportive comments as members of the general public to have an impact on the rule making process. The Title IX proposal will help the Biden administration to combat laws like the ‘Don’t Say Gay or Trans’ bills passed in Florida & Alabama that invites harassment of our LGBTQ youth & the bathroom bills in Alabama & Oklahoma that prevent transgender students from using facilities matching their gender identity. Sarah Warbelow, HRC Legal Director stated, “All students -- no matter their background, sexual orientation, or gender identity -- deserve to feel safe & welcomed in schools. The proposed rule to include clear protections based on sexual orientation & gender identity within the Title IX regulation will do just that. This is not a ceremonial step; the voice of the people truly matters here & we strongly encourage affected people – students, parents, & educators – to submit an official comment about how the proposed rule would positively impact students’ experiences in school. As we await further the Department’s promised additional rule on athletics provisions, which we expect to make clear that transgender youth should be included in these protections, individuals & groups can make their voices heard in defense of LGBTQ+ youth right now.”  Polling shows that the public supports nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people & this rule change is about making the will of the people a reality. Anyone who wishes to comment on the Title IX NPRM can do so now through September 12th. 

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