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Marriage Equality Pioneers Celebrate

By Charlotte Robinson, December 14, 2022

Mainstream media skimmed over the importance of the Respect of Marriage Act bill signing ceremony that took place at the White House yesterday where thousands of our LGBTQ community & allies assembled to celebrate this historic event. Among those attending was plaintiff Julie Goodridge & Mary Bonauto lead counsel in the case of Goodridge v. Department of Public Health which made Massachusetts the first state in which gay & lesbian couples could marry in 2004. We’re grateful to President Biden & the Congressional leaders on both sides of the aisle who finally came together to pass the Respect of Marriage Act into this law. We’ve fought for decades to get here so let’s take the joy & energy from this celebration to continue the work for full freedom, safety & justice for all people. Michael Adams SAGE CEO stated, “I am grateful to the bipartisan efforts that went into passing the Respect for Marriage Act and for President Biden who has championed LGBTQ+ rights during his time in office. After facing lifetimes of discrimination & decades lacking legal & social recognition, LGBTQ+ elders have waited long enough for reliable protection of their right to marry under federal law. The signing of this landmark legislation not only protects same-sex couples; it also comes at a critical time as numerous states work to pass anti-trans & anti-LGBTQ+ laws that harm our LGBTQ+ community. The message must be loud & clear – LGBTQ+ people are entitled to the same dignity, rights & protections as all Americans & we must all keep working until that goal is fully realized.” Watch our Historic 2004 Marriage Equality Video   

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