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Gay Marriage Wins in New Hampshire 6/3/09

By Charlotte Robinson, June 03, 2008
Just In: GAY MARRIAGE WINS in NH - 198 to 176
The New Hampshire Senate just approved a compromise

gay marriage bill that strengthened the language involving legal
protections for religious institutions & related agencies.The vote
was 14-10 along party lines. The amendment now goes to the House
this afternoon.
GAY MARRIAGE WINS in NH - 198 to 176
CONCORD- Hundreds of people gathered at the Statehouse
today just prior to the legislature taking up HB73 - the last bill in a
series of bills necessary to guarantee religious liberties for all Granite
Staters & the freedom to marry for gay & lesbian couples in New
Updates to Come....

Listen to an audio excerpt with Arline Isaacson, Co-Chair of the
Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus, discuss Religion
& Gay Marriage. To hear the full interview on America's Road to
Gay Marriage @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage


Mo Baxley said...

We remain confident that marriage equality will become law this year, and HB 73 is an important final step in that effort. Individual equality and religious freedom are New Hampshire values. We expect the House and Senate to now vote for HB 73 as reported out by the committee of conference. This is a very positive step and we remain optimistic that we will see legal protections for thousands of gay and lesbian couples signed into law by the Governor.

Mo Baxley, Executive Director of New Hampshire Freedom to Marry

Mo Baxley said...

It is time for the legislature to act definitively to ensure individual liberties and fairness for all New Hampshire families. Individual liberties and religious freedoms are New Hampshire values. On Wednesday, the legislature will have the opportunity to defend these values by approving HB73. It’s time for fairness for all our families, and our day of action is intended to let the legislature know the time has come to pass this important legislation.

Mo Baxley, Executive Director of New Hampshire Freedom to Marry

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