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P-Town Film Fest June 17-21-2009

By Charlotte Robinson, June 21, 2008
The Provincetown International Film Festival began June 17th
Sunday June 21st. This is the 3rd year we’ll be covering
this prestigious
film festival for OUTTAKE MEDIA. We’ll have dish
& film
reviews. Pix to come...:) The Opening Night Film was Woody
Allen’s WHATEVER WORKS (New England Premiere) starring
David, Evan Rachel Wood, Patricia Clarkson & Ed Begley, Jr.
Check It OUT.....:)
"Whatever Works"
This year there are over 50 feature films, documentaries & shorts
viewed at
numerous venues. Great Audio Interviews Next Week :)
Writer/Director GUY MADDIN (“My Winnipeg,” “The Saddest Music in the World,” “Careful”) was awarded the 2009 Filmmaker on the Edge Award Tonight. John Waters did a great interview with Guy. We'll have the audio interview next week...:)Actor Alessandro Nivola (“Junebug,” “Laurel Canyon,” and the upcoming 2009 films “Coco Before Chanel” and “Howl”) received the Excellence in Acting Award. He was interviewed by Ruby Rich. We'll have the audio interview next week.
Strand Releasing was honored with the Lifetime Achievement. Audio interview next week ......Updates to Come....:) We'll be covering the Awards Presentation Tonight w/ Updates :) Award. Listen to an excerpt of our Audio Interview w/ Gabrielle Hanna,
Executive Director of the P-Town International Film Festival. To Hear the full interview: OUTTAKE VOICES™

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