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By Charlotte Robinson, September 18, 2009
Check OUT our new online OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE
Order your cool Washington 2009 Equality Apparel Now...:) Two designs are available on a variety of garments with our exclusive new LGBT Emblem.....Global LGBT Equality & Civil Rights & one in support of the National Equality March in Washington D.C. Oct. 11 & 12...
Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin's (D-WI) statement on the Respect for Marriage Act to Repeal the Defense of Marriage Act: “In support of families throughout the nation, the legislation we’re introducing will extend to legally married same-sex couples the same federal rights and recognition now offered to heterosexual married couples – nothing more, nothing less. Repealing the Defense of Marriage Act is a long overdue and important step on the road to full equality for LGBT Americans." Read More in Comments...:)
Listen to Interview w/ Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin on LGBT Civil Rights & the Obama administration @OUTTAKE VOICES™More Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @ OUTTAKE VOICES™


Congresswoman Baldwin said...

Same-sex couples are now legally married in six states, and New York and the District of Colombia recognize these out-of-state marriages. For the federal government to deny any legally married couple the hundreds of benefits and responsibilities that help protect their families is discrimination– plain and simple. Defining marriage has never been a prerogative of the federal government; it has been a states issue. Congress and the federal government have historically deferred to states to craft public policy around who can legally marry, as well as whether to refuse to recognize an out-of-state marriage. The Defense of Marriage Act clearly interferes with the rights of states to define and regulate marriage as they see fit. DOMA was wrong-headed when Congress passed it in 1996 and it is wrong today. This type of unfairness has no place in American society and I am very pleased we are introducing legislation to repeal this backward law. This year, we have a President who is committed to repealing DOMA and a growing majority of Americans who understand that denying legal protections to their neighbors because a family has two dads or two moms is simply un-American. Nothing in the Respect for Marriage Act forces one state to recognize a valid marriage performed by another state, and nothing in the Act obligates any person, religious
organization, locality, or state to celebrate or license a marriage between two persons of the same sex. I am proud to be among the 91 Members of Congress who are original cosponsors of the Respect for Marriage Act.

Congresswoman Baldwin said...
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