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Maine to Vote on Gay Marriage....

By Charlotte Robinson, September 03, 2009
Update: 11/4/09 Gay Marriage defeated on Maine's ballot
referendum. Audio w/ GLAD's Lee Swislow:
When will Americans learn that it's wrong to vote on basic civil rights?? Governor John Baldacci of Maine has signed a measure putting the state's gay marriage law up for a vote in November. Gay marriage opponents needed at least 55,087 signatures of registered voters for the so-called People's Veto & they turned in nearly 100,000 signatures. In May, Maine became the 5th state to allow gay marriage. The gay marriage law was supposed to go into effect this month, but it was put on hold while the secretary of state's office validated the number of signatures. "I fully support this legislation...but I also have a constitutional obligation to set the date for the election once the secretary of state has certified that enough signatures have been submitted," Baldacci said...... Jesse Connolly, campaign manager for NO on 1/Protect Maine Equality said, "Theirs is a cynical, pay-for-every-signature approach that doesn't reflect the homegrown values of our state." Updates to Come.....
Hear exclusive audio interview with Arline Isaacson on "America's Road
to Gay Marriage"
More Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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