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Obama Addresses the Nation.....

By Charlotte Robinson, September 09, 2009
Obama spoke to Congress addressing the Healthcare Reform Bill. He talked about the best ways to move forward on a plan that covers the uninsured & provides everybody with better healthcare coverage but does not increase the budget deficit. The Dems applauded the GOP remained silent for the most part. Check OUT comments for Obama's communication...:) For a clear explanation on the Healthcare Reform Bill: Listen to Audio interview w/ Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin on the healthcare bill issue which includes info on the new LGBT inclusive language she has added @OUTTAKE VOICES™More Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
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1 comment:

President Obama said...

I just finished laying out my plan for health reform at a joint session of Congress. Change this big will not happen because I ask for it. It can only come when the nation demands it. Congress knows where I stand. Now they need to hear from you.

The heart of my plan is simple: bring stability and security to Americans who already have health insurance, guarantee affordable coverage for those who don't, and rein in the cost of health care.

Tonight, I offered a specific plan for how to make it happen. I incorporated the best ideas from Democrats and Republicans to create a plan that's bold, practical, and represents the broad consensus of the American people.

We've come closer to real health reform in the last few months than we have in the last 60 years. But those who profit from the status quo -- and those who put partisan advantage above all else -- will fight us every inch of the way.

We do not seek that fight, but we will not shrink from it. The stakes are too high to let scare tactics cloud the debate, or to allow partisan bickering to block the path. Your voice, right now, is essential.

Ours is not the first generation to understand the dire need for health reform. And I am not the first president to take up this cause, but I am determined to be the last.

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