Audio interview w/ Congresswoman Baldwin Co-Chair of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus on LGBT civil rights reality in 2010 & advocating
for a LGBT inclusive universal health care bill @OUTTAKE VOICES™

All the LGBT inclusive language that Congresswoman Baldwin worked so hard to be part of the
Health Care Reform bill has been stripped from President Obama’s new health care plan. However, Obama’s proposal does include $11 billion for ''the operation, expansion, & construction of community health centers'' around the country. This money could perhaps help LGBT & HIV
centers around the country. Congresswoman Baldwin says she hasn't given up hope. She called President Obama's proposal ''an important step forward that helps to regain our momentum
on health care reform efforts", then added, ''it is not the final word.'' Updates to Come...:)
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Before everyone gets their panties in a bunch, please remember that the president's "health care plan" is not a proposed full plan. The health care plan that was posted yesterday is supposed to be "a starting point for congress and all branches of government."
This micro post makes the starting point seem like the final proposed plan and its not. If we want the media to post our comments and statements correctly we should start by posting the full statements made by those we are quoting as not to take anything out of context.
That's why we included the link to the White House site in our story...:) FYI, billions of dollars have been loss in social security benefits for our LGBT senior community. We need to be squeaky wheels & committed watchdogs in this administration if we want the same rights as heterosexuals receive...
Wow! This really is one particular of the most beneficial blogs I've actually arrive throughout on this subject..
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