experience of working with Gay Activist Harvey Milk...

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The first Harvey Milk Day is Saturday May 22nd which would
have been Milk’s 80th birthday. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi,
was among the dignitaries celebrating California's inaugural
Harvey Milk Day Friday @ an event sponsored by Equality, CA
in San Francisco. Milk became the first openly gay elected official
from a major U.S. city when he was elected to the San Francisco
Board of Supervisors in 1977. He won on a platform of civil rights
but his tenure was cut short when he was assassinated by former
supervisor, Dan White, the following year.
“Harvey Milk was a champion for seniors, for working people &
for those who didn't have a voice & his courageous work set the
stage for many of the key civil rights advances we enjoy today,”
said Geoff Kors, Executive Director of Equality California (EQCA)

De Witte van Leeuwen, an international LGBT
adoption advocate. Jarko has written a children’s
book “Arwen and her Daddies” that tells their
adoption journey @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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