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NJ High Court Rejects Gay Marriage Case

The New Jersey Supreme Court has declined to hear a case
from six same-gender couples seeking the right to marry
saying the case needs to wind its way through the lower
courts first. Read More... Updates to Come...:)
Exclusive Audio Interview with Gunner Scott
Executive Director of Massachusetts Transgender

Political Coalition

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Lt. Dan Choi Drummed OUT

Exclusive Audio Interview with Gunner Scott
Executive Director of Massachusetts Transgender

Political Coalition

Dan Choi has been “honorably” discharged from the military
in the midst of the ”Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” challenges. Though
his discharge has been rumored for weeks, Choi said he only
officially learned of the discharge on Thursday after a phone
call from his commander. Updates to Come...:)
Read More....
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United Nations Endorses Gay Group

Exclusive Audio Interview with Gunner Scott
Executive Director of Massachusetts Transgender

Political Coalition

Massachusetts Chief Justice Margaret Marshall who wrote
the landmark ruling legalizing gay marriage is retiring.

Tuesday Constance McMillen won $35,000 in damages from
the school district in Fulton, Mississippi after discriminating

against her when she wanted to bring her girlfriend to prom.
The United Nations has voted to accredit a U.S. based gay
rights group. It took 3 years for the International Gay &
Lesbian Human Rights Commission who applied for
"consultative status" @ the U.N. Economic & Social Council
(ECOSOC) to be approved by a 23-13 vote (w/ 13 abstentions.)
Over 3,000 groups have "consultative" status at the United
Nations. Those groups are allowed to submit statements,
advocate & attend meetings.The International Gay & Lesbian
Human Rights Commission has offices in New York City, South
Africa & Argentina. More Info: IGLGHRC.org
Exclusive Audio Interview with Gary Buseck,
Legal Director of the Gay & Lesbian Advocates &

Defenders (GLAD) on historic DOMA decision


Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

From the Frontline of EUROPRIDE

Exclusive: Stephanie Blackwood reporting from EUROPRIDE...
“The good news out of Warsaw is that the Polish press has been

very positive & favorable toward the EuroPride celebration.

This may represent the hopeful beginning of a positive relationship

between the community & the new government. Everyone is
cautiously optimistic..."
Sunday: Stephanie Blackwood reporting from EUROPRIDE...
"The parade started about a half-hour late because the police,
who had a pronounced presence, were quelling a disturbance
by anti-gay protesters. They were a noisy, aggressive nucleus
of hate. Walking through the park en route to the parade a
young tough was wrestled down by three uniformed cops.
I'm not sure what he did to motivate their action, but there
was an ugly undertone circulating through the crowd surrounding
the staging area in front of Warsaw City Hall. One of my friends
accidentally bumped a young man. He responded with a snarling,
clenched fist glare to the understandable brush.
As I said, the police were a large presence...uniformed, plainclothes,
mounted, motorcycle...& they were supported by an enormous
contingent of volunteer security monitors who lined the route.
Along the route, there were many bystanders. Many were closeted
gay men taking photos of attractive marchers. Many were elderly,
perhaps educating themselves, perhaps quietly protesting, perhaps
curious. Many were young families. Many were just the fabulous
Millennial generation that embraces diversity. Many were just
plain folks who seemed to be out on a Sunday afternoon, checking
out EuroPride. I did not feel threatened at any point, after the
parade got underway and we left the protesters in our dust."
Updates to Come...:)

Stephanie Blackwood is moderator of the 3rd International
GLBT Business Leaders Forum @ EUROPRIDE in Warsaw.

Exclusive Audio Interview with Gary Buseck,
Legal Director of the Gay & Lesbian Advocates &

Defenders (GLAD) on historic DOMA decision


Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Poland’s Gay Pride Resists Violence

Warsaw: Polish police used batons to push back homophobic
protesters @ Saturday's EuroPride gay parade in Warsaw.
Thousands of our LGBT community & allies marched in the
Polish capital, amidst several counter-demonstrations by
nationalist groups. Some demonstrators attempted to stop the
parade & threw eggs but Police intervened & used batons to
push back a crowd of protesters.
Warsaw has hosted gay pride parades since 2001 but this year
was the first time Warsaw has hosted the EuroPride parade,
which is held each year in a different European city.
LGBT civil rights remains a touchy subject in Roman Catholic
Poland. Warsaw Mayor Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz signed the
papers permitting the event. When he was mayor of Warsaw,
the late President Lech Kaczyński twice refused to allow gay
pride parades to go forward in the capital. Updates to Come…:)
Exclusive Audio Interview with Gary Buseck,
Legal Director of the Gay & Lesbian Advocates &

Defenders (GLAD) on historic DOMA decision


Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Argentina Passes Gay Marriage

Exclusive Audio Interview with Gary Buseck,
Legal Director of the Gay & Lesbian Advocates &

Defenders (GLAD) on historic DOMA decision


Argentina's Senate passed a gay marriage bill becoming the
first country in South America to allow gay couples to marry.
After more than 14 hours of charged debate, during which
thousands of Argentines protested outside the Congress, the
upper house voted 33-27 for the proposal with three abstentions.
"I believe this has advanced equal rights," Senator Eugenio Artaza
told reporters after the debate in which many lawmakers in the
upper house invoked their Roman Catholic beliefs to explain
their stance. Wake-up America!! Updates to Come…:)
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Gay GOP Challenge “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”

All charges have been dropped against Lt. Dan Choi &
James Pietrangelo who twice chained themselves to a

White House fence to protest the military's

"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.

UPDATE: Log Cabin DADT Trial Begins...
San Diego: Log Cabin Republicans vs. The United States of
America, is a direct challenge to the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy
which was actually filed in 2004. The trial in Riverside starts
Tuesday & is scheduled to last two weeks. This case is especially
timely with the Obama administration dragging their feet failing
to repeal DADT. The suit is challenging the constitutionality of the
policy in federal court in Southern California.
Dan Woods, attorney for the Log Cabin Republicans, says he wants
a federal judge to halt the policy immediately nationwide. Perfect
timing in light of this obscene 4 million dollar survey circulating
among military personnel about having gays openly serve in the
armed forces. Can you imagine a survey like this circulating about
Black Americans serving in the military in mid-20th Century?
For More Info: logcabin.org Updates to Come…:)

Exclusive Audio Interview w/ Mark Elderkin
of the Gay Ad Network. Elderkin is a dot com

visionary & entrepreneur @ OUTTAKE VOICES™

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Obama Silent on Fed Gay Marriage Ruling

Exclusive Audio Interview w/ Mark Elderkin, CEO
of the Gay Ad Network. Elderkin is a dot com

visionary & entrepreneur @ OUTTAKE VOICES™

Now we wait to see if the Obama administration will appeal
yesterday’s federal ruling finding DOMA unconstitutional.
Obama has said over & over again that he wants to repeal
the Defense of Marriage Act yet the administration was
silent today on whether it would appeal the ruling that found
section 3 of DOMA unconstitutional. The rulings apply only
to Massachusetts, where same-gender marriage has been legal
since 2004. This means that Iowa, Connecticut, Vermont,
New Hampshire & the District of Columbia should file their
own challenges. In the meantime come to Massachusetts where
equality lives….:)
For more info: glad.org
4/12/10 Exclusive Audio Interview w/ Lee Swislow,
Executive Director of the Gay & Lesbian Advocates

& Defenders (GLAD) on Gill v. Office of Personnel

Management that challenged Section 3 of DOMA

in today's historic ruling
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Federal Court Rules DOMA Unconstitutional

Finally federal rights & protections for gay couples in
states where gay marriage is legal is on the way.....:)

In Boston yesterday, U.S. District Judge Joseph Tauro
ruled in two separate cases that a critical portion of the
federal Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional. The US
District Court in Massachusetts ruled that Congress violated
the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution when it passed
DOMA & took from the states decisions concerning which
couples can be considered married.
In the second case, Gill v. Office of Personnel Management,
the ruling was DOMA violates the equal protection principles
embodied in the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment.
The case was brought by Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders
(GLAD), the people that won the landmark gay marriage
decision in 2003 before the Massachusetts Supreme Court.
Gary Buseck, GLAD's legal director, said that Thursday's
ruling "is for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, so it seems

to be encompassing all of the same-gender married couples in

Massachusetts." He added that it would be "highly unusual"

if the ruling was not appealed.
Updates to Come...:)
For more info: glad.org
4/12/10 Exclusive Audio Interview w/ Lee Swislow,
Executive Director of the Gay & Lesbian Advocates

& Defenders (GLAD) on Gill v. Office of Personnel

Management that challenged Section 3 of DOMA

in today's historic ruling

Exclusive Audio Interview w/ Mark Elderkin
of the Gay Ad Network. Elderkin is a dot com

visionary & entrepreneur @ OUTTAKE VOICES™

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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