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Gay GOP Challenge “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”

By Charlotte Robinson, July 14, 2010
All charges have been dropped against Lt. Dan Choi &
James Pietrangelo who twice chained themselves to a

White House fence to protest the military's

"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.

UPDATE: Log Cabin DADT Trial Begins...
San Diego: Log Cabin Republicans vs. The United States of
America, is a direct challenge to the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy
which was actually filed in 2004. The trial in Riverside starts
Tuesday & is scheduled to last two weeks. This case is especially
timely with the Obama administration dragging their feet failing
to repeal DADT. The suit is challenging the constitutionality of the
policy in federal court in Southern California.
Dan Woods, attorney for the Log Cabin Republicans, says he wants
a federal judge to halt the policy immediately nationwide. Perfect
timing in light of this obscene 4 million dollar survey circulating
among military personnel about having gays openly serve in the
armed forces. Can you imagine a survey like this circulating about
Black Americans serving in the military in mid-20th Century?
For More Info: logcabin.org Updates to Come…:)

Exclusive Audio Interview w/ Mark Elderkin
of the Gay Ad Network. Elderkin is a dot com

visionary & entrepreneur @ OUTTAKE VOICES™

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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