“The good news out of Warsaw is that the Polish press has been
very positive & favorable toward the EuroPride celebration.
This may represent the hopeful beginning of a positive relationship
between the community & the new government. Everyone is
being cautiously optimistic..."

"The parade started about a half-hour late because the police,
who had a pronounced presence, were quelling a disturbance
by anti-gay protesters. They were a noisy, aggressive nucleus
of hate. Walking through the park en route to the parade a
young tough was wrestled down by three uniformed cops.
I'm not sure what he did to motivate their action, but there
was an ugly undertone circulating through the crowd surrounding
the staging area in front of Warsaw City Hall. One of my friends
accidentally bumped a young man. He responded with a snarling,
clenched fist glare to the understandable brush.
As I said, the police were a large presence...uniformed, plainclothes,
mounted, motorcycle...& they were supported by an enormous
contingent of volunteer security monitors who lined the route.
Along the route, there were many bystanders. Many were closeted
gay men taking photos of attractive marchers. Many were elderly,
perhaps educating themselves, perhaps quietly protesting, perhaps
curious. Many were young families. Many were just the fabulous
Millennial generation that embraces diversity. Many were just
plain folks who seemed to be out on a Sunday afternoon, checking
out EuroPride. I did not feel threatened at any point, after the
parade got underway and we left the protesters in our dust."
Updates to Come...:)

Stephanie Blackwood is moderator of the 3rd International
GLBT Business Leaders Forum @ EUROPRIDE in Warsaw.

Legal Director of the Gay & Lesbian Advocates &
Defenders (GLAD) on historic DOMA decision

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