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Congresswoman Baldwin on DADT Victory

By Charlotte Robinson, December 16, 2010
Exclusive Audio Interview Montage on
Stu Maddux new film Gen Silent addressing

discrimination against LGBT Seniors


The house has voted once again to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”
with a vote of 250-175. Now on to the senate once again. In this
exclusive video Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis) explains
the process. Will we see DADT repealed as 2010 comes to an end?
Watch Video Here...Updates to Come….:)
The Conclusion: Exclusive Audio Interview with
Gay Ally Rev. Makokha about Christian Leaders

from America transporting homophobia to Africa


Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

1 comment:

Congresswoman Baldwin said...

It’s an historic day. As founder and Co-Chair of the LGBT Equality Caucus in Congress, I can tell you that repealing “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” has been one of our Caucus’ top priorities and we have educated and cajoled and counted votes. Our Equality Caucus of 91 bipartisan Members has been moved to action by the stories of gay and lesbian military professionals whose lives and livelihoods have been damaged by ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’ We have been moved to action as discharge after discharge have deprived our Armed Forces of the honorable service and needed skills of patriotic Americans who want to serve their country and be honest about who they are. Integrity is a hallmark of military service. Yet for 17 years, we have had a statutory policy that requires some in our military to conceal, deceive, and lie. In my opinion, that policy is un-American. This is also an important step in the march to full equality for LGBT Americans. Particularly so because ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ represents an instance where discrimination is written into our nations laws—a constant reminder of second-class citizenship.

I want to extend my gratitude to my colleagues here today: Mr. Murphy for his role in shepherding this bill through today; Speaker Pelosi and Leader Hoyer for their tenacity in pushing this not just once, but twice, because it is the right thing to do; Major Almy, for your courage, your service to your country, and your willingness to tell you story. Now, let’s talk about the Senate. Our vote today is indeed an historic occasion, but we’re holding the celebration until the Senate takes up this bill and we’ve sent it to President Obama’s desk for his signature. Make no mistake: the House made a bold and very strong statement today that we’re ready to move forward and see this repeal through. The President is ready to move forward. The military is ready to move forward. The American people are ready to move forward. It now falls to the Senate to do the right thing!

The arguments have been made, the evidence has been proffered, and, now, the House of Representatives has voted twice! The time is right for Congress to end this discriminatory policy once and for all!

Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis) Co-Chair of the LGBT Equality Caucus in Congress

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