of GetEQUAL & Molly McKay, of Marriage
Equality USA, w/ a Gay Marriage News Update
& about a very important Valentine's Day Action

forces for this event. This Valentine’s Day, February 14th, once
again gay couples will request marriage licenses at their local
County Clerk's offices in cities all over the country. These actions
not only draw attention to the lack of marriage equality between
heterosexual & LGBT Americans but it will also raise awareness
about the harms & the impact that the inability to marry causes
on LGBT families. “Whether we are married, domestic partners,
in a civil union, or legal strangers under our particular state's law,
all same-gender couples are denied the 1,138 federal rights of
marriage,” said Robin McGehee, Director of GetEQUAL.
Updates to Come...:)
For More Info: equalityevents.ning.com

& Creative Director of the UK Queer Channels on
Demand on their news service "Pink Sixty"

Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage
Since 2001, Marriage Equality USA chapters have engaged in annual marriage counter actions to render visible the discrimination that is enforced every day and to highlight the need to overturn discriminatory laws. It is an affront to our basic dignity as fellow human beings when same-gender couples are turned away from the marriage counter, but it gives us the opportunity to tell our stories and show that we live in every community and want to honor and protect our families like everyone else.
Molly McKay, Marriage Equality USA Media Director
GetEQUAL is joining Marriage Equality USA to urge President Obama, Congress and all states with discriminatory laws on their books to stand for justice and equality for all people, as the Constitution requires, and work together to uphold the American tradition of fairness and equality by ending marriage discrimination.
Robin McGehee, Director of GetEQUAL.
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